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Make an ERA upgrade easier

Guest sindbad

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Guest sindbad

I would love to see an easier approach when upgraden the ERA

Right now we have to follow: https://support.eset.com/kb3668/?locale=en_US&viewlocale=en_US


What I would like to see is, just an .exe or .msi setup file. Doubleclick it and go on with the wizard. Just like eset authentication and eset deslock. Can this be changed please?

for example when we get the new ERA7. That we can run the ERA7 setup and follow the wizard and we are done.

Its much easier!

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Basically all you need to do is send a Remote administrator components upgrade task. Only to upgrade non-ESET components like Apache HTTP Proxy or Tomcat, it takes more steps to upgrade them.

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Guest sindbad

But is it possible to have an exe that we can run and thats it? Would love to see that. 


I do have 1 era server. I can send a task from within that era server to itself and it will upgrade?

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  • ESET Staff
21 hours ago, sindbad said:

I do have 1 era server. I can send a task from within that era server to itself and it will upgrade?

Yes, actually AGENT installed on the same machine as ERA SERVER will perform upgrade of ERA components, namely ERA Server, ERA Webconsole, MDM and ERA Agent (itself). There are some limitations that can be found in documentation, but upgrade of environment installed using ERA all-in-one (exe) installer should work without any issues.

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