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Gamer mode does not detect full-screen applications


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My laptop with ESET Endpoint Antivirus was wiped clean recently. I have purchased a 3-user NOD32 Antivirus license and installed the software without issues. However, Gamer mode does not detect any full-screen applications as Presentation mode used to on the Endpoint version. I have made sure NOD32 is up-to-date ( The setting ‘Enable Gamer mode when running applications in full-screen mode automatically’ is enabled. The tray icon does not display the yellow exclamation mark until I activate Gamer mode manually. I have also found a similar seemingly unresolved thread on this issue. One of the applications I work with triggers Presentation mode instantaneously on the Endpoint version whereas it does not trigger Gamer mode on NOD32.

Edited by Xen
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I would love to get this fixed. It is quite an inconvenience to have to toggle the mode manually each time.

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Hello Xen

Welcome to the forums.

This could be construed as a very tricky problem to diagnose and/or replicate for proof. Would you mind listing the application you work with so that we can try it on our end with Endpoint and the home version ? Normally i would ask for a screen shot, except in this situation there is no way to provide one. If you have an application in full-screen mode you are not going to be able to see the taskbar or app without having dual screens and placing the ESET app on the opposite screen. Furthermore you won't see it after closing the full screen app as it will already have switched off Gamer mode and i know the interface logging does not provide alerts for Gamer mode.

The only function gamer mode has is to suppress alerts and stop updates from happening that are scheduled. With all this being said,

1. Have you recorded or found logs of ESET running updates during your full screen App ?

2. Are you getting pop notifications while your full screen app is running ?

3. Have you noticed performance degradation due to ESET not switching on the Gamer mode feature ?

Unfortunately this is probably all we can offer here on the forums, and better advice would be to contact by phone, have a ticket generated and tracked, so that the developers may look into the issue if it is determined to be something that was missed during testing or related to conflicting full screen apps.

Edited by Arakasi
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Hi Arakasi

Many thanks for your reply.

I understand it appears difficult to diagnose at first glance. However, IBM SPSS Statistics triggers Presentation mode as it loads allowing you to see the yellow exclamation mark on the tray icon (hence I am certain Gamer mode is not activating itself on NOD32).

I have another ThinkPad with Endpoint Antivirus, so I could actually get that screenshot if you need it.

I have not had a chance to look much further into it yet, but it does seem NOD32 continues to update itself. It never updates itself upon exiting full-screen as it is already up to date.

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All that makes perfect sense, and the additional info does provide better incite as to your proof of the matter. No screenshot needed.

I am assuming SPSS is the software you are working with, and it doesn't look like something i can get my hands on without a fee or sub.

A few questions though to follow up.

1. Do you have any exclusions set for your IBM Software whether it be through the exe or rules set ?

2. Have you tried toggling the Gamer mode set to automatically turn on and back again just in-case of an if-then statement hiccup ?

3. Have you tried this on another workstation or machine ? A different profile perhaps ? Or uninstalling and reinstalling for that matter ?

I know these are basic troubleshooting steps, but the Gamer mode and its modules as well as their behavior is kind of vague to us, even in the ESET knowledge base. I'm hoping this could be minor, but may prove to be a larger hidden issue.







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As of v11, activation of gamer mode does not change the color of the ESET icon to yellow any more.

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Many thanks for your replies.

I have put it to the test tonight. The pop-ups were indeed suppressed whilst full-screen so there was no reason for concern. Previously, I could often see a ‘there is a problem’ notification flicker in the bottom right corner as I enter or exit a full-screen app, so I am happy the change was made to NOD32. Will the change come to Endpoint Antivirus too?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrators
6 hours ago, vmoses77 said:

During some games which I am playing on my AOL desktop, the full screen is not visible. I reported AOL support to make the game work on the fullscreen mode and I resolved the action.

Do you mean this is somehow related to ESET?

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  • 1 month later...

In my experience this seems to be related to Windows 10 full-screen optimizations.  ESET gamer mode seems to only detect applications running in exclusive full-screen mode. You can disable full-screen optimizations per .exe in the compatibility tab. It would be great if ESET could make gamer mode detection compatible with full-screen optimizations.

I came on here looking just for this kind of forum thread. 


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