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Error 0x000003ED


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Had Windows 10 1709 / 32 Bit with ESET 32 Nod 32 11.1.54

Deinstalled it, upgraded to Windows 10 1803 / 32 bit. Reinstalled Eset Nod 32 and got the here described contemporary error.

Reinstalled Windows 10 1803 / 64 Bit and used it for a few days.

Now I try to install ESET NOD32 64 (Full Download or Installer) and get the unexspected Error 0x000003ED (1005) - Please contact support.

Search engine leads me to support eset.com telling me an issue with Windows 10 1803, but nothing more.

adwcleaner (malwarebytes.com) found 6 PUP (possible unwanted programs), deleted it, but ESET still refuses to work.

What can I do?

Edited by hrgajek
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today is June the 14th, I posted this one week ago, 96 people viewed, no idea at all? Or is the support technician at vacation?

I'm ESET Customer since version 4.x or 5.x and ... a littlebit disappointed.

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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 3:27 PM, hrgajek said:

Now I try to install ESET NOD32 64 (Full Download or Installer) and get the unexspected Error 0x000003ED (1005) - Please contact support.

I did research this. The problem is their is no reference to the error code you are receiving in any Eset documentation I could find on the web. Therefore, someone from Eset will have to help you with this.

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This error code appear to be a Windows based one:


1005, 0x000003ED, The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupt.


One suggestion would be to run this command: chkdsk /f C: assuming your OS installation drive is C: from an admin level command prompt window.

Ref.: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee872425.aspx


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Also of note is if your drive is a SSD one made by Intel or Toshiba, there were major issues with same for the initial release of Win 10 1803. So make sure you have applied all available Win Updates.

Edited by itman
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  • ESET Moderators

Hello @hrgajek,

I have found a mention of the error in our tracking system, it was caused by presence of application from other AV vendor. 

So I would try to find it among the installed SW, uninstall, reboot the PC and try to install again,...

Regards, P.R.

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Hello together,

itman had the right idea. I ran chkdsk /f and asked me to reboot the computer, after the check installation was possible again.

Hint for the ESET Programmers: A short information text , when error messages pops up, would be useful.

Thanks to all for support :-)


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