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Change "Password protected setup" Password

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Hi, we have a small problem: we need to change password for "Password protected setup" . I tried to change password in original policy that it was created for, waited for 6 hours - no effect, only old password works. I created a new policy, with new password - only old password works. Its like it is  cached somewhere on a client machine. Any advice how to change password without reinstalling every single machine in our company?

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  • Administrators

Please make sure that the policy with the changed password is actually applied. I'd enforce this setting to ensure that it's not overridden by another policy:


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  • ESET Staff

And also, the previous pplicy should not have the “force” flag set, as it prevents other policies from overwriting it.

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Thanks guys, it seems problem solved now. Hard to say what actually helped, but thats what i did: delete old policy, created and enforced new policy, went home for the weekend. Monday morning its working :D Probably it needs a few hours to accept changes. Anyway, thanks for help.

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