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"Operating system is not up to date" details

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There is any way to see the list of updates, that are not installed?
If not it would be great to have such details, especially for Mac OS, cause sometimes we have such warning even if it is some minor update.

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  • ESET Staff

Hi Maxim, ERA does not display the individual updates. The "Operating System Update" Client Task installs all the available updates:


Currently, only for Windows one can select to additionally install the optional updates (again, all that are available).

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  • 4 weeks later...

OP is probably having the same problem we are experiencing.

ERA says "Operating system is not  up to date", we issue multiple operating system updates and reboots via ERA, we go to the workstation, OS utilities say "no updates found"

Rinse lather repeat.

It seems like there would be a log somewhere to help with this issue.

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