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I have tried to set the AV alert to not fade away automatically wothout any success. Is it possible to set the pop up window to only close with user intervention?



  • Administrators

No, this is not possible. Pop-up notifications can be set to disappear in 30 seconds at maximum. If user's intervention is required (e.g when cleaning is disabled, ie. set to No cleaning), the window with action selection shouldn't close automatically.


Hi ESET, if a case of any virus is detected, can the notification be set to have user intervention before the window closes automatically? I do not understand the example for the cleaning disabled.


Usually if there is a threat found during scanning, the dialogue will remain open, until you do something about it.

If its from the real time scanner, the pop up receives the normal dialogue box with the 30 second timer, however you can always report to the quaratine page for what it may have caught and if you need to make a restore decision.


Ok, which means that the maximum for the real-time scanner is 30s and cannot be set to close after user intervention?

Is there any way to set it to close only with user intervention?

  • Administrators

There's probably a good reason why the notifications cannot stay on the screen forever. Imagine the computer got infected with a virus infecting legit files. In such case, only 101 notifications would be buffered (that's the maximum limit) and the rest wouldn't appear (although all detections would be logged).


Hi Marcos, going back to your earlier response on cleaning set to disabled, no cleaning, does it mean that real-time scanning is disabled? Or real time scanning is still enabled but not cleaned automatically and the pop-up window remains until user intervention?


Basically, I am trying to achieve this requirement, during real time scanning, if any threat is detected, the window to remain open until user intervention. Is this possible?

  • Administrators

If you don't mind that threats wouldn't be cleaned automatically you can set the cleaning level to "no cleaning" in the real-time protection setup. Afterwards, real-time protection will pop up a window with action selection whenever a threat is detected and will wait for user's action.

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