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ESET Reseller in Iran

Shahin Rst

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Do you have any official reseller in Iran for business products in order to purchase any ESET Business products?!
There are many companies in Iran which sell your business products. Can we trust them to buy from them?!
Does ESET's Official company gives technical support for the organizations and customers in Iran?!

And is it possible for ESET to ban Iranian IP's like AV vendors (Symantec , McAfee) in the future?!

I'll be appreciated if you respond my questions honestly!

Best of Regards,

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Well I checked the above address.
But I couldn't see any list of the partners.

I faced such an address: hxxp://my-eset.net/eset/me/iran-partners/index.html

And I couldn't find the above URL list in the link you provided me.
I will be appreciated if you clear this matter. this is very important to us.

Best of Regards,

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Please contact ESET ME who is the official distributor for the region. We don't have information about their partners in particular countries.

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