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why update 6.5 when there is 6.6?


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   today I saw new version of endpoint 6.5 released. but I am confused since there is already version 6.6. is this normal or just an exception?

   I am still at 6.4 and wait for 6.6 to become mature.



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Some business users still stay with Endpoint 6.5 for whatever reason (e.g. in Japan v6.6 has not been released yet). Since Microsoft has released Fall Creators Update (RS3), it's important that also v6.5 supports it. Hence the new version.

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4 hours ago, Marcos said:

Some business users still stay with Endpoint 6.5 for whatever reason

The lack of consistency in your statements is puzzling me.....

When users wanted to stay with  NOD 32 version 8 ("for whatever reason" ) , version still supported, you insisted to upgrade to v9, v10, v11 and no support / updates have been offered further more to v8.

Now " it's important that also v6.5 supports it. Hence the new version"

Edited by John Alex
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  • ESET Staff

Difference between V8 & V9+ in home segment was pretty big.

Also, it is important to understand (and we know it first hand), that attitude of enterprise customers with large scale networks is different - they do require consistency, and are having quite strict migration / deployment policies, as deployment takes sometimes months and is handled in a form of a project.

Plus, there were some bigger changes (internally) between 6.5 & 6.6 (which is natively 64-bit), and for this reason some customers are delaying upgrade.

Newerthless, V6.5 is one year old product, V8 consumer has 3+ years and far bigger changes have been made since then, which makes it practically impossible to maintain them (in the form of service releases). 

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