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ESET File Security Update - Repository package checksum verification failed

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I want to update my file servers to version 6.5.12013.0.

The task finished successfully  on 7 servers, and failed on 9. The reason I find in Executions List is "Repository package checksum verification failed".

I tiried changing the repository from "Auto Select" to hxxp://us-repository.eset.com/v1, recreated the Task, but with no luck.

Also tried the installation with a new task, using direct package URL pointing in shared folder, but didn't work either.

I did try the installation locally on one of the failed machines, and it completed successfully. 

Any help/workaround available ?

Thank you in advanace,

Regards, Stamatis

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  • ESET Staff

This error means that downloaded package had different checksum (sha1) than it was expected and thus installation did not even started. I have just verified checksums of EFSW,,ENU packages and they seems to be correct. It is possible that there were ongoing changes or synchronization of data in repository which caused this. I would recommend to re-try installation.

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Hello Martin,

Thank you for your reply.

I did try the update today, but got the same error.

Should I clean up the cache for the HTTP Proxy, and how can I perform this task ?


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  • ESET Staff

Could you provide details of package you are actually installing? Version, language, platform (x64/x32). Please provide also version of ERA Agent - we had a bug in older version (6.4) which resulted in similar failure.

Edited by MartinK
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ERA Agent is version 6.5.522.0

The package as it appears in the selection list is :  ESET File Security for Microsoft Windows Server 6.5.12013.0 windows Windows Server 2016, 2012 R2, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008, 2003 en_US

If I modify the client task and choose direct package URL (https://download.eset.com/com/eset/apps/business/efs/windows/latest/efsw_nt64_enu.msi) the task is being completed successfully.


Edited by Stamatis_T
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  • ESET Staff

I have yet again checked and mentioned package seems to be correctly configured. Could you please provide error output from client's trace.log (AGENT)? It should contain both expected, and computed checksum of package. From those two, we will at leas know whether installer or metadata are not correct. 

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Hi Martin,

Apologies for my late response. Please find attached trace.log from a client I tried to upgrade.

I hope it's the right file, whichI got from C:\ProgramData\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Agent\EraAgentApplicationData\Logs


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