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issue & BSOD last update and samsung magician

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with the lastest updates  (i'm at 16388 right now) , (but i guess it 's related to prev update ,2 or 3 days ago) and samsung magician 4.9.5 and up there is an issue that generate BSOD

i got 3 BSOD ,under w10 and w7 ,with eset smart secuity 8 ,9 and 11

i guess it's not related to the version of eset but to the lastest update

when i run samsung magician the cpu jump @ 100€ and my comptures start to freeze & i had 3 BSOD on w7 and 2 on w10

i have restored an image ,created 1 month ago and samsumg magician work perfectly , i  pushed the update on eset , reboot and samsumg magician start to load @ 100€ , freeze and bsod

samsung magician 4.9.5  an up use rapid share (a sort of ram cache) and they are used to updade the firmware

could you fixed? i have the bsod but they are 3.4GB ,hard to upload

this did happen on 4 computer , 3 desktop and 1 laptop , all of them have samsung ssd and eset


Edited by mantra
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First of all, please configure Windows to generate complete memory dumps as per https://support.eset.com/kb380/.

After installing ESET, do not update it but first switch to pre-release updates in the advanced update setup. Should the system crash, a complete memory dump should be generated. Please compress it, upload it to a safe location (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive,  etc.) and pm me the download link.

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36 minutes ago, Marcos said:

First of all, please configure Windows to generate complete memory dumps as per https://support.eset.com/kb380/.

After installing ESET, do not update it but first switch to pre-release updates in the advanced update setup. Should the system crash, a complete memory dump should be generated. Please compress it, upload it to a safe location (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive,  etc.) and pm me the download link.


i have setup to pre-release updates , but i don't like crashes ,last time i lost all my work , i was working with word

i can't wait another crash

could you investigate? ssd samsung are the most sold

and samsung magician 4.9.5 and up are easy to download


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14 hours ago, Marcos said:

First of all, please configure Windows to generate complete memory dumps as per https://support.eset.com/kb380/.

After installing ESET, do not update it but first switch to pre-release updates in the advanced update setup. Should the system crash, a complete memory dump should be generated. Please compress it, upload it to a safe location (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive,  etc.) and pm me the download link.

Hi Marcos

it's the hips , as soon i disable it , no more high consume of cpu ,no more crash and bsod

do eset updagrade the hips module recently ? last few days?


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