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How to tell ERA admin to disable mirror daemon on Linux clients?

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I'm a Linux sysadmin with ~800 servers and the Windows ERA server is managed by a separate group.

The ERA admin has all of the clients configured to run mird and try to listen on the address of the mirror server, which fills the system logs with hundreds of useless messages since it's impossible for a service to listen on an address that isn't even local to the client.

I would be very grateful if someone could point me to the setting that should be changed, even better a screenshot of the section in the GUI console showing the correct configuration.

Manually disabling in esets.cfg with "agent_enabled = no" in the [mird] section doesn't help, because the next time the clients sync with the server, it gets overwritten with the configuration that enables mird again.

Thanks in advance.

2017-10-19T17:06:36.271079-04:00 linux-server esets_daemon[9085]: error[237d0000]: Child process mird[14516] terminated with return code 69, restart in 60 seconds
2017-10-19T17:07:36.273432-04:00 linux-server esets_daemon[9646]: debug[25ae0211]: Agent mird accepted
2017-10-19T17:07:36.273972-04:00 linux-server esets_mird[14521]: debug[38b90000]: ESETS mirror http daemon, Version 4.5.7
2017-10-19T17:07:36.274177-04:00 linux-server esets_mird[14521]: debug[38b90000]: listen_addr                              = "win-era.some.domain"
2017-10-19T17:07:36.274321-04:00 linux-server esets_mird[14521]: debug[38b90000]: listen_port                              = 3128
2017-10-19T17:07:36.277828-04:00 linux-server esets_daemon[9085]: error[237d0000]: Child process mird[14521] terminated with return code 69, restart in 60 seconds
2017-10-19T17:08:36.280212-04:00 linux-server esets_daemon[9646]: debug[25ae0112]: Agent mird accepted
2017-10-19T17:08:36.280664-04:00 linux-server esets_mird[14526]: debug[38be0000]: ESETS mirror http daemon, Version 4.5.7
2017-10-19T17:08:36.280862-04:00 linux-server esets_mird[14526]: debug[38be0000]: listen_addr                              = "win-era.some.domain"
2017-10-19T17:08:36.281013-04:00 linux-server esets_mird[14526]: debug[38be0000]: listen_port                              = 3128
2017-10-19T17:08:36.282047-04:00 linux-server esets_daemon[9085]: error[237d0000]: Child process mird[14526] terminated with return code 69, restart in 60 seconds
2017-10-19T17:09:36.284439-04:00 linux-server esets_daemon[9646]: debug[25ae0213]: Agent mird accepted
2017-10-19T17:09:36.284976-04:00 linux-server esets_mird[14532]: debug[38c40000]: ESETS mirror http daemon, Version 4.5.7
2017-10-19T17:09:36.285114-04:00 linux-server esets_mird[14532]: debug[38c40000]: listen_addr                              = "win-era.some.domain"
2017-10-19T17:09:36.285217-04:00 linux-server esets_mird[14532]: debug[38c40000]: listen_port                              = 3128
2017-10-19T17:09:36.286272-04:00 linux-server esets_daemon[9085]: error[237d0000]: Child process mird[14532] terminated with return code 69, restart in 60 seconds


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