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For some time, I have been unable to use Eset GUI based help, i.e. circled "?" references. Clicking on any resulted in inability to connect to Eset help web site.

Finally realized that Eset GUI is trying to connect to http://help.eset.com/.............. versus https://help.eset.com/..............

Please fix ASAP.

Edited by itman
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Forgot to mention that the help for a specific topic with a section doesn't work at all. Clicking on the circled "I" symbol does nothing.

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@Marcos I found out what the problem is. For some inexplicable reason, Eset's help web site, i.e. http://help.eset.com , is no longer compatible with IE11 EPM.

Temporary work around is to add the above URL to IE11's Trusted Zone. By default, anything used in that Zone opens outside of EPM.

This Eset Help URL worked w/o problems a while back. So the issue might be the CloudFront servers Eset uses or Microsoft changed AppContainer processing for IE11.

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