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endpoint av 6.6 can not update from offline mirror

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   I just upgrade our ERA server from 6.4 to 6.5, so I think I should try latest endpoint product. I download the latest endpoint antivirus (6.6.2046) and found it can not update virus signature from our offline mirror server. after checking mirror server apache log, I found 6.6.2046 want to access a strange url like "http:/xxxx/eset_upd/ep6/dll/update.ver". previous versions the url is "http:/xxxx/eset_upd/ep6/update.ver" which is matching the mirror tool directory structure.

but the new version want a "dll" directory.

I try latest mirror tool but it still doesn't create "dll" directory structure. so I don't know what happened.

thanks a lot for help.

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Enpoint v6.6 can currently only from a mirror created by another Endpoint v6.6. We strongly recommend using HTTP Proxy to cache update files instead of using a mirror. We plan to update the command line Mirror tool but this will most likely take longer time.

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    thanks for the quick reply. no problem I can wait for new version of mirror tool to finish the job. in the mean time I downgrade to 6.5.2107 and it seems work fine. I prefer mirror tool because it is much simpler and efficient.

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  • ESET Staff

It is completely OK to manage EP 6.6 with ERA 6.5 (and even older). Concerning the mirror tool, we will post approximate release date / timeline next week. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2017/8/29 at 1:52 AM, MichalJ said:

It is completely OK to manage EP 6.6 with ERA 6.5 (and even older). Concerning the mirror tool, we will post approximate release date / timeline next week. 

sorry I didn't see the timeline post. is there any url to check?

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1 hour ago, tbsky said:

sorry I didn't see the timeline post. is there any url to check?

We will announce it in this ERA forum when available.

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