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eset - sophos and adobe CC


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We have about 25 windows PC 's with Eset 6.5 installed. As part of a better protection and also to comply with a 3rd party support contract we also installed Sophos Intercept X. This worked absolutely fine apart from 4 PC's which have Adobe CC installed. These PC's then ran very slowly when opening and saving files. illustrator & photoshop mainly - often showing not responding etc even if saving locally rather then the file server.  For the last 3 weeks I've been arguing with Sophos that despite their s/w supposedly being AV independent - it isn't -  as a) If I uninstall Sophos but leave ESET on  then the  PC's save files fine. b) if I install Sophos but without ESET they save fine. Sophos have said its Eset real time conflicting with their runtime protection.   

This is a bit of a problem as the designers are constantly web surfing looking for "inspiration" so are probably more of a risk then other users, yet I've had to weaken their protection. I've applied policies to both products to attempt to get the products to co-habitate, but without success. It only appears to affect Adobe CC software and I know the files are quite large (25mb upward) - anyone else in the same position and any suggestions to policies / exclusions I should apply - or should I just not use Sophos on these 4 PC's?

Cheers in advance.




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  • ESET Staff

Hello @mhd99

Just out of curiosity, what is the problem you would like to solve, by installing Sophos Intercept X? What was the primary decision point for choosing Sophos as the additional layer of protection? And what are the common use-cases of this product, that you use frequently or provides the highest value to you?

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we use a 3rd party support company and they basically stated if we didn't install IntX then , in the vent of any crypt type infection hitting any of the kit, including servers then a inflated fee for rebuilding etc would be imposed.

I did check that Eset / Sophos should co-exist and in 80% of our PC's it does. Its only the Adobe CC users which the conflict appears top affect.

I need comfort in that if the designers go to web sites - and they visit all sorts - they have to - then the protection is there.



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