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EEA 6.5\ERA6.5 | Automatically starting EEA


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Hi everyone,

I'm having a small issue with some users in our company who decide on their own to close the ESET Endpoint Antivirus themselves and not turn it back on.

I'm looking for a solution to make either the Agent or the app EEA itself be able to either avoid it or restart itself within a certain period of time.

I think on Windows\PC it's impossible to turn it off due to permission authority.

BUT Mac is a different story. user can force quit the app from activity monitor and that's it. 
I will need to reinstall the app remotely (that's the method I only had until now)

By policy I can right now disable the icons completely so they don't know its there, but I would prefer knowingly there is AV available. both for me and for them.

I was hoping for some solution via Policy on ERA Web Console, If anyone can point me at the right direction.


Edited by avielc
adding a solution I hope to have.
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Aren't those users members of the Privileged users list that you define in ESET's Mac products?

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Just now, Marcos said:

Aren't those users members of the Privileged users list that you define in ESET's Mac products?

Don't Think I follow what you say here.

I don't define users in the ESET console or anywhere. 
They do however have administrator privileges on their Mac so they use it as they see fit.

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I mean that only privileged users should be able to modify settings not set by a policy or disable the AV:



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Just now, Marcos said:

I mean that only privileged users should be able to modify settings not set by a policy or disable the AV:



Ah, Thanks for clarifying.

Does that include disabling their ability to force quitting ESET Endpoint AV through activity monitor on Mac?

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I've heard from a colleague of mine that it's only possible to quit gui via Activity monitor. We don't prevent users from closing gui on Windows either but killing it is not possible.

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Thanks for that Marcos, I hope it'll be this way.

I'll let you know if I still find users closing the AV 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd be wanting to find out why they are closing EEA down. If they are having issues with it slowing their Macs down to be unusable, or other similar issues, then blocking them from turning it off might stop them from closing EEA... but it will potentially greatly increase the user's frustrations!!! And maybe even leave them unable to user their Mac.

We are having various issues with Endpoint on Macs, and as a result I also find that users keep turning it off. This to me suggests there is a deeper problem with Endpoint on Macs (a mix of both EEA & EES here). I don't see these same issues on PC versions.

I don't have any solutions, but I'd be interested to hear if others are seeing widespread problems with EEA or EES on Macs and if there are settings we should try to make it work better? I'll also report back if we find anything useful from interrogating my users.

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4 hours ago, Mike said:

I'd be wanting to find out why they are closing EEA down. If they are having issues with it slowing their Macs down to be unusable, or other similar issues, then blocking them from turning it off might stop them from closing EEA... but it will potentially greatly increase the user's frustrations!!! And maybe even leave them unable to user their Mac.

We are having various issues with Endpoint on Macs, and as a result I also find that users keep turning it off. This to me suggests there is a deeper problem with Endpoint on Macs (a mix of both EEA & EES here). I don't see these same issues on PC versions.

I don't have any solutions, but I'd be interested to hear if others are seeing widespread problems with EEA or EES on Macs and if there are settings we should try to make it work better? I'll also report back if we find anything useful from interrogating my users.

I can only suggest to work with the latest

as it took away most of the problems (I don't hear anyone complain anymore, so it might be that, or might be the policy that stops everyone from closing their EEA) :->

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  • ESET Staff

@Mike Can you please report in more details about the problems? There were problems reported in the past, related to slow startup, network shares reading issues, however they were mostly resolved in the newest version. Can you let us know, which version you are using within your environment?

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A variety of issues. Each machine different (all on v6.4.246 though):

EES = Firewall blocking Skype on automatic. Rules set to allow it, but user has still since turned firewall off. (Waiting for update from user)

EES = Another user had "wheel of death" and browsing issues with EES installed. Took lots of hassles to remove EES. ERA 6.5 hasn't reported home for a month. User completely fed up of ESET. (Have a remote support session with ESET tomorrow to explore.)

EEA = Mac has problems with Eset for a while, but is on latest 6.4.246 and user keeps disabling to get machine working correctly. (again waiting for more info to understand issues_


All machine are remote to me, and I'm not a Mac user, so not my area of expertise. Just aware I don't get the same problems with Eset on Windows. I certainly agree I'm getting less issues with v6.4 compared to past versions, but still frustrating to have these issues ongoing (other Macs have dropped off ERA and am waiting to even find out why).


Was just interested that others were reporting Mac users turning ESET off, and wondering if it was a common experience of others, and making sure that issues were addressed rather than hidden behind locking ESET to remain on regardless. (Of course it could just be because Mac users like to do things their own way....)

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Hi @Mike

I have some issues with ESET on mac in the past, but lately it's been a bliss on 6.4.246

I suggest checking some configuration\policy in the web console, some of the issues can be resolved due to proper policy corrections (e.g. disable web control, add to the list of exclude application: all sorts of applications like firefox,chrome,etc)

I would be happy to share my policy with ya (at least what's generic and allowed to be shared )

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That would be awesome Thanks. That is exactly what I wondering... if there were settings that I should tweak to optimise my Mac user's experience of ESET! If you are able to share your policy settings I'd be most grateful.

Edited by Mike
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