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vagent host deployment

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I wonder does anyone know where can I find latest docs for latest vagent host appliance deployment. All the docs I'm able to find are for older version of vagent host. And I'm very interested how can I deploy vagent host appliance using my existing certificates from ERA. Because what I can see now is when appliance is configured at the first startup it creates new CA in my ERA and it creates new certificate which is signed by this CA. But I want to use my existing certificates. So natural question - how????

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  • Former ESET Employees

Hi Rimvydukas,

currently if you would like to use own certificate from ERA for vagent host, you have to deploy it with pre-installed certificate and then using ERA policy for vagent host change certificate to your own from ERA list. 

Please tell me if you were able to do that.

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On ‎2017‎.‎06‎.‎16 at 5:02 PM, Matus said:

Hi Rimvydukas,

currently if you would like to use own certificate from ERA for vagent host, you have to deploy it with pre-installed certificate and then using ERA policy for vagent host change certificate to your own from ERA list. 

Please tell me if you were able to do that.


I'm very happy so see a file in this thread (while waiting for premium support activation) :)

Here is what I've did.

1. Tried to use ovf installation. Immediately saw that when vagent host started for the first time, additional CA was created besides ERA CA and new vagent host certificate was issued by this CA. Can you clarify why have you removed an ability to use existing ERA ca/certificates during OVF deployment? Older versions of vagent had this feature. Even your video on youtube shows that this is possible:/ And the problem is, that docs are not updated for the latest version. Why?

2. When I've failed with the first step I prepared my own CenOS system and tried to install vagent host via your provided .sh script. Biggest problem with this installation is that it is not docummented ANYWHERE:/ What are requirements? What are the installation/configurations steps? By using guessing game I was able to complete this installation but vagent host didn't show in ERA, so this installation method failed too:( Where can I get docs for this type of installation?

And now the main question - how can I deploy host with pre-installed certificate? All I want is tu use existing ERA CA and existing ERA's CA vagent host, agent certificates. This was possible with older version.

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