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Client showing wrong IP address in ERA. Can we change/refresh this?

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Hello ESET forum Mods and Users,

In my ERA console, I currently have a machine that hasn't connected to ERA since Feb 13 2017. 

When I go to my remote support software, I see that the machine is online and in use. When I do an IPCONFIG on it and compare the IP address with that in ERA, there is a discrepancy which leads me to believe that is why there is no client-server connection? 

Is there anyway to force some sort of IP address refresh or something in ERA? How can I get the connection from the client to the server reestablished? also why would the connection permanently fail like that in the first place?

Thank you!

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  • ESET Staff

Please check AGENT logs, especially status.html for connection failure - if there is any. Logs location is described in relevant troubleshooting documentation section.

Once you have access to status.html, check for any reported error related to replication. In case there will be no error, check also time of status.html file (in the bottom of page) -> in case it won't be current, it may mean that AGENT is not even running.

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