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deactivate linked products


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While organizing static groups that had imported from an older ESET product I decided to delete a static group that had several computers associated with it.

As an option when you delete a static group there is a check box to "Deactivate linked products"

I left this checked and now I have a number of computers that no longer indicate they have the agent installed or my ESET endpoint product. {See image eset.png}

  • Should I be concerned about this?
  • Is there a way to "activate the linked products" again?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, you are right. Base on my tests, deactivated computer is still visible in "Lost & Found" group but without the "icons".

For client activation you can create your own Activation task under Admin > Client Tasks. When creating new task choose "Client Activation" in TASK column.

Edit: Additionaly to these icons, IP address is also not visible.

Edited by Miami
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  • ESET Staff

You have deleted the computers from ERA. This means that also all of their logs were deleted. Issue with missing icons will resolve itself within 24 hours, as this type of information is not sent during every replication.

If you have clicked "Deactivate linked products", ERA will contact licensing authority (ESET Cloud-based licensing service), and deactivate license seats for the given computers. This will result in them becoming "not activated", and therefore "not protected". You can resolve this issue by re-activating them, by the means of the product activation task as suggested by miami above.

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What if a computer is duplicated on the console, because it's agent had to be reinstalled? When removing the old computer from the console, should i deactivate the products, or not?

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On 17/6/2017 at 6:50 AM, MichalJ said:

No, this is not needed, if the endpoint installation was not touched.

What do you mean by endpoint installation? Something like re-installation of the OS, or the ESET Antivirus software? In my case, i had to remove the Agent, then install a new one.

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  • ESET Staff

License is active on the Endpoint. Meaning, if the entire machine was "damaged" and restored from the image, you should deactivate the former entry, prior to installing a new one (in case of a physical HW, for example). If you have only replaced the ERA agent, this is not needed, when you have reinstalled entire system, including ESET Endpoint Antivirus / Security, you should also remove the former entry, ideally before activating a new one.

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