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notifications erac v6

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Hello, can you help me with the following I tried to configure the notifications but I always get an error I tried with multiple accounts but always the result is the same,If you can help me with the correct configuration so that the notifications are sent to the mail.

notificcines eset.png

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  • ESET Staff

I was not able to test it, but it seems that SMTP server on this host and port 587 uses STARTTLS connection security. I would recommend to test it.

If it won't help, timeout error may indicate connection problem - could you verify mentioned SMTP server is accessible from machine hosting ERA server? Another possibility is that wrong configuration caused module responsible for sending emails to stuck in connection - i.e. it may be waiting for reponse that will never come. I am not sure what is currently used timeout for this case, but restart of ERA service may help with this.

Edited by MartinK
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