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NOD32 v5 Fine, Nod32 v6+ Fails on System Scan


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Hi Guys,
Running Windows 7 SP1 32bit with NOD32 v5 without a problem.  As soon as I install v6 (any version) or v7, as soon as I click System Scan, the application hangs and I can do nothing with NOD until I kill it/reboot.  If I uninstall the newer versions, then this works fine in v5 or below.
Any Logs I can send, etc that can help identify this issue?



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Please create a dump of ekrn.exe via the Task manager ("Create dump file" option) when ESET seems to have hung. Also create a SysInspector log and compress both files to an archive. Then upload the archive to a safe location and pm me the download link. Are you able to run a scan using ecls.exe without any problem?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi Marcus/Anybody,

Can I please get an update on this issue, tried the new version as of a week ago and still the same issue persists, I cannot run manual scans at all.

I am due for renewal, but I'm hesitant to proceed If I can't get this issue sorted out.

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Hey deadlast.

Have you tried sending Marcos a PM ?

He has been online, but may not have seen this thread.

Also, he may have sent correspondence to the team working on this issue and is waiting to hear back from them as well before responding.

Sorry for the delay your experiencing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Marcos,

I've sent you a PM 3 times now, unsure as to why it won't come through.

Can I get you to PM me and i'll reply? alternatively, provide me an email address via PM so I can get you the relevant files/details. Keen to get this sorted.

See attached image.



Edited by deadlast
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