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How to remove the "Free Upgrade Available" notification permanently


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Unfortunately, you didn't mention what version of EAV/ESS you have currently installed. For instance, according to http://support.eset.com/kb3678, v7 will be discontinued towards the end of this year and no further definition and module updates will be issued.

Currently only v10 provides maximum protection against newly emerging threats and especially against ransomware (Filecoders).

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I don't see how to version is relevant. Should I do it the hard way, should I use force window blocker?

Edited by whitenig
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  • ESET Moderators


Without knowing which of ESET's programs you are running and which version it is, it would be difficult to answer your question.  For example, Marco asked if you were running one of our Windows desktop programs (ESET NOD32 Antivirus, ESET Smart Security, etc.), but when I first read your message, I was wondering if you might be asking about one of our mobile programs, like ESET Mobile Security for Android. 

It is pretty standard for software and hardware vendors to ask you which product you're using, a version or model number and so forth.  That way, we know exactly what you are using, and can provide an answer that is correct to your operating environment.


Aryeh Goretsky

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The version of your ESET NOD32 Antivirus or ESET Smart Security matters. As I wrote, if you use v7 or older, once these versions reach end of life further updates will not be guaranteed by ESET.

With v8 installed, the upgrade notification window can be suppressed for the next few months until some time before the end of its end of life which is likely to happen next year.

The main reason why users should use the latest version of a security program is that only this way they can be protected to the maximum extent against newly emerging threats. Needless to say that new versions bring other fixes and improvements under the hood, such as much lower memory consumption and performance improvements introduced in v10.

Edited by Marcos
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