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Apache Tomcat is not running (service could not start)

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I have problem with my ERA 6.4, i try to run ERA but there are error that could not open the web. and already check the service.msc and i found that my Eset HTTP service is not runnning and also found that my Apache tomcat 7.0 service is did not start.

I try to start it manually but if fails. and I check in the Eset KB and found article kb5550 that ask to use the default java setting, and still fails to start the Apache services.

Its there any suggestion or there are problems with others services that block apache from start.




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  • ESET Staff

It seems to me that borh ERA 5 and ERA 6 are installed on the same machine. You have to either reconfigure ERA 5 to communicete with console on a different port than 2223 or uninstall it completely. 

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11 minutes ago, MichalJ said:

It seems to me that borh ERA 5 and ERA 6 are installed on the same machine. You have to either reconfigure ERA 5 to communicete with console on a different port than 2223 or uninstall it completely. 

Dear MichalJ, which service did you found that is a era 5. because we only have one era in the server that is ERA 6.

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  • ESET Staff

I was confused with the ESET http server. But that belongs to the Endpoint / File security installed on the machine for optional mirror purposes. Please ignore my previous comment.

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4 minutes ago, MichalJ said:

I was confused with the ESET http server. But that belongs to the Endpoint / File security installed on the machine for optional mirror purposes. Please ignore my previous comment.

It Okay, but did u get any idea how to resolve this issues. 

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  • ESET Staff

Please check Apache Tomcat logs (c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\logs\) for suspicious entries that could possibly indicate startup issues. Alternatively you could try to run Tomcat7.exe manually from command line (cmd.exe) and watch for output.

Most common error is wrong java configuration or invalid tomcat configuration - have you updated it? Or rebooted machine? Or changed tomcat configuration recently?

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