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Licence information - User count not right in ERA admin console

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Licence  information - User count not right in ERA admin console 

the actual active user and Licence count not showing right number compare to available user in admin console . Many time  synchronize  the licence but the count is not increasing 



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  • ESET Staff

Hello, there might be many reasons to this:

  • Windows computers dynamic group shows all Windows Computers, regardless which license they use (or what product is installed). There might be only ERA agent installed.
  • You have generated offline file, which you might have used multiple times to activate multiple computers (this is possible, so you have accidentally unintentionally overused the offline portion of the license).

PS: ERA is not counting number of users, nor is the ESET License Administrator. They are showing number of activated computers.

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Dear MIchal,

Thanks for your information, I have created one report as per your advice and the license counts by user are states 103 records. But, when I check the license management portal, only 83 licenses are active. If the license management portal is displaying wrong count, how can I fix this to display actual count as the report generated.lice.png.80db1ed065deed1f0377e851810ec05e.pnglic-infor.png.15795a310fa386e66d4b566190f5ef88.png.



Edited by barnaabs
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  • ESET Staff

You will basically need to check, whether ELA does not have any duplicates. This might happen, if your machines are for example VMs. ELA determines the number of "used seats" by the uniqueness of HWF (hardware fingerprint). It might happen, that if you use a lot of VMs, or machines with dual-boot, or you re-image computers, that you will have multiple computers activated acting as one unit of the license in ELA. You will find out in the "unit management", whether there are entries with "+" sigh, that you could expand, saying "multiple products". In that case, you have multiple computers activated as one. Without being able to clearly examine your ELA it is difficult to provide any assumptions.

Theoretically, what might help. is to try to run a "product activation task" on your entire network. It should force your clients to re-activate. 

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