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Description Field

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Is there any way to have ERA retrieve and dynamically update the Description field within the ERA console with data from AD in the description field.  My organization uses this field to store the physical location of the device, and this would be very helpful to have within one console.

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  • 1 month later...

I had the same problem and submitted a feature request already. It doesn't really make any sense to not update the description field from AD when you are syncing everything else...

For the time being I wrote a little Powershell script which reads the descriptions from AD and inserts them into the ERA DB. I have that running as a scheduled task every 10 mins and it does the job perfectly. 

If you're interested let me know...


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  • ESET Staff

Hello, this option will be added to ERA 6.5. It will be possible to configure the LDAP parameters of the AD Sync task, to also sync Computer Description Attribute. 

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  • 1 month later...

I just installed ERA 6.5 but can't find any LDAP parameters to enable the description sync. Can you point me in the right direction?

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  • ESET Staff

Hello, you should enable "LDAP fallback", choose "AD preset" and set to " COMPUTER DISPLAY NAME ATTRIBUTE" the attribute you want to have in the description field. I am inquiring with the KB team, whether this was properly documented already. 

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