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Ronnie, I am not sure if the issue had returned but your issue is now websites load fine but Emsisoft doesn't update until SSL is turned off?


You should be able to manually make an exemption to Emisoft using the tips on hxxp://support.eset.com/kb3487/

Under "II. Create an SSL scanning exception for the service or device"

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On 1/31/2017 at 7:42 PM, Nonadex said:

Just wanted to post an update, I have solved my problem. I use another software called Adguard, I had not realized that this blocked ads on HTTPS websites with its own filtering. Once I have disabled this feature, it works fine now.


Sorry for wasting people's time on this.

In case you weren't aware. A beta version of Adguard was released that apparently fixed the issue with ESET


Though now users have to wait until it is deemed stable.

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17 hours ago, Azure Phoenix said:

In case you weren't aware. A beta version of Adguard was released that apparently fixed the issue with ESET


Though now users have to wait until it is deemed stable.

Awesome, just installed that and it works flawlessly with ESET now. Thanks.

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Sorry Nonadex just noticed your post.

Unfortunately I have just reset laptop once again and as McAfee comes with it I thought that I would try that first.

So downloaded Emsisoft to go with it and it is just the same will not run updates unless I disable SSL on it first.

Firefox still works Ok with that installed so will probably wait a week or so then download Eset again.

Now Adguard. I take it we are talking about the pay for version or does the free version work ok.


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Back to square 1 again but when I disabled SSL and then enabled it again the certificate or whatever you call it never transferred to Firefox. So at the moment Firefox is working ok without it. I/E still does not work but not that worried about that..

SSL is still enabled in Eset so just wondering could it be a bad root certificate.

Can I take the certificate from an Eset web site and use that in Firefox just to see if it would work or not or is that a no no..


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Sorry did not mean using the same certificate from my Eset.  I meant trying to change it for the certificate on a Eset web address.

Tried that and it does not work.

Now I have this laptop and an old computer should the certificate be slightly different on both of them. one with eset smart security and one with Eset internet security or should they be the same.

I would imagine every ones certificates would be different but thought that I would ask.


Just checked mine and find that Serial number and thumbprint are different. I expect that is the way it should be.

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On 8. 2. 2017 at 11:23 AM, ronnie said:

Can I take the certificate from an Eset web site and use that in Firefox just to see if it would work or not or is that a no no..

You can export the root certificate by navigating to the SSL/TLS setup in the advanced ESET setup and clicking View certificate. On the Details tab you can export it by clicking "Copy to file" and then by following the Certificate export wizard.

In case of issues with importing the root certificate to supported trusted CA certificate stores, we'd need a Process monitor log from the time of enabling SSL/TLS scanning for perusal.

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Think I will give that a miss Marcos Looks a bit complicated for me.

I know how to export Certificate to Firefox if needed but the rest seems a bit complicated for me as a I am getting past my sell by date.

So I will assume the root certificate is Ok.


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Ok found a way to get Firefox working. When you have SSL turned off make sure you have a web page open and enable SSL again it usually comes up with an error try again and same error this tine you click on the X to delete the message and Firefox then works ok. Unfortunately Internet explorer and edge still do not work.

So read the comments about adguard so installed it in Firefox and it made no difference so did what the others did and downloaded the Beta version of Adguard and Internet Explorer and Edge now work also.

Not got a clue as to why Adguard makes them work but it does seem to do so.

At the moment I have not corrected the SSL fault that I had I know that if I disable SSL and then enable it again properly I will probably loose the use of my 3 browsers and that I do not want to do.

At the moment SSL is enabled and the root certificate is showing in Firefox so will carry on with it the way it is and hope it stays that way.

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4 hours ago, ronnie said:

Not got a clue as to why Adguard makes them work but it does seem to do so.

Appears when you uninstalled Adguard, it was not fully uninstalled. That is why is recommended to run the vendor's supplied "clean" utility if they have one to fully remove all remnants of it. Or, use an uninstaller/cleaner such Revo Uninstaller Pro to do the same.

Also as I mentioned previously, Adguard performs SSL protocol scanning. So does Eset. The more SSL is intercepted, the higher the likelihood that the processing will be "borked" in some way. You should verify that this new beta ver. of Adguard basically just internally disables its SSL scanning when it detects an AV product that does the same.   

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On 02/02/2017 at 8:27 AM, Azure Phoenix said:

In case you weren't aware. A beta version of Adguard was released that apparently fixed the issue with ESET


Though now users have to wait until it is deemed stable.


Interestingly enough, the issue was actually fixed by ESET. Previously, ESET's driver suffered from an old Windows bug messing everything up when more than WFP driver is in use. The only way of fixing it on our (Adguard) side was to use an ugly solution, which, in turn, messed up the SSL filtering. Once we learned that ESET's new driver addresses the issue, we removed that ugly solution and voila.

Also, the current beta is in release candidate stage and is likely to be the next release.

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Never used Adguard before but tried it in Firefox which did not help so just downloaded the beta version on top of it knowing that it should automatically remove anything that was not needed in the new version.

SSL is ticked on it and I will keep it that way as long as I can use I/E or edge.. Not sure if you can set it to internally disables its SSL scanning when it detects an AV product 

So far it has taken me almost 2 months to get to this stage where I can use my Browsers properly so will stick to what i have while it is working for me.

Sods law will probably  kick in  shortly

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Also found this using Geocerts SSL Checker by adding www.eset.com into the box and pressing check SSL

Certificate Chain Complete?
  A valid Root CA Certificate could not be located, the certificate will likely display browser warnings.

Is this a problem or nothing to worry about. Certainly having  browser problems.

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7 hours ago, ronnie said:

Is this a problem or nothing to worry about.

I get the same error in IE11.

I just used the Geocerts web site to validate my bank web site and it had no problems with certificate pining. Appears there is interestingly, an issue with Eset SSL protocol scanning ignoring its own web site although it uses an EV certificate - or worse - there is a problem with certificate pinning on the Eset web site.

BTW - the root cert. the Eset web site uses is issued by Thawte Primary Root CA - G3 and has nothing to do with the Eset root cert. used for SSL protocol scanning.

-EDIT- Figured it out. When you connect to Eset, you connect to a country specific domain name. For me it's www.eset.com/us. So, www.eset.com is not a valid URL.

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13 hours ago, ronnie said:

Just tried it with www.eset.com/uk and with /en and still the same problem.

Geocerts, if you review the web page carefully, is a web site for web developers to validate if they have correctly installed applicable root certificates on their server.

If you observe carefully when you enter www.eset.com/uk the url is changed to www.eset.com/ . What happens is Eset when receiving web traffic at www.eset.com does an automatic redirect to the applicable Eset country web site. The server assigned to that site is the one being used for SSL/TLS communication. Because of this, you can't use Geocerts. FYI - I encountered the exact came behavior when I tested using QUALS SSL Server test.

Additionally, I manually verified that the thumbprint for the Thawte root certificate used by www.eset.com/us matches that of the corresponding cert. stored in my Windows/IE11 root CA cert. store.

Again, test with an end destination URL such as your bank's web site or the like.

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Ok itman I had tried Emsisoft. and Malwarebytes etc on it and they were all fine.  So tried Eset on another SSL Checker and it was ok on that one.

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Ran into a little problem today which may interest users who do not buy Eset from their home countries.

Had one of their workers take control of my computer this afternoon as I have been having problems for the last 6 weeks with Eset.

After about 20 minutes I was told that they cannot continue with repairing my computer as Eset was purchased in another country. To try and get round that they are trying to transfer my account back to the uk so that they can carry on with the repair.

They were extremely helpful but will have to wait till tomorrow probably to see if they can get it for me.

Now my problem is I bought it from someone in Birmingham who must have purchased them from elswhere.

So just in case you did not know you have to purchase Eset from your home country to get customer support.

I have used Eset for about 7 years and this is the first time I have had any problems with it. W10 and a new version of Eset it was never going to be straight forward.

Anyhow will see what tomorrow brings and be careful where you buy Eset from.

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15 hours ago, ronnie said:

Now my problem is I bought it from someone in Birmingham who must have purchased them from elswhere.

If this concern was an authorized Eset distributor, I would let Eset corporate know about.

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Waiting for Eset to contact me first. it is a legitimate copy of Eset I am led to believe but not from the UK.

Well they were supposed to ring me back but never did. maybe taking longer than they anticipated.

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Eset account  Verified as ok. So waiting to see if they give me any answers to anything that may have been found when they took over my laptop on Friday.

So now I can officially get support from Eset UK.

I suppose my problem is If I deleted Eset everything work as it should. But is it an eset problem or something on my laptop that stops Eset from working properly.

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It seems they cant trace whoever it was who checked my computer out on Friday so need to go through the phone to them for them to start again.

This not a complaint just a difference between two security company. Eset needs you to phone them and stay on the phone for however long it takes to try and find the problem with eset.

I contacted Emsisoft about a week or fortnight ago.from my computer and arranged a time when I was available.for them to have a look see what the problem was with Emsisoft. Sure enough right on time I was contacted by Emsisoft support and the took over the running of my computer via the internet. Just let them get on with it and asked a couple of questions here or there.

So no phone call that ties up your phone for outgoing and incoming calls.

I take it maybe eset has tried that method and it does not work for them. Just thought that I would point out the two different methods. My personal choice would be the Emsisoft way but glad to get help whichever way it comes.

And before you ask. Nope I still do not have emsisoft working properly the problem with that is I have to switch SSL of to run updates then switch SSL back on when finished so no big deal.

Unlike eset with SSL enabled I have problems with all my Browsers. It works fine with SSL disabled. I have tried Eset with Emsisoft deleted and tried Emsisoft with Eset deleted and both still have the same problems..

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