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Turned SSL back on and I/E would no longer work and it added another root certificate to Firefox.

I have deleted 1 of them but I have SSL disabled and if I enable it again I will get another root certificate on Firefox.

So do I enable SSL again and then delete one of the root certificates.

Sorry itman just not used to doing things like this.

Would having SSL turned off and a root certificate in Firefox at the same time work or is it necessary to have SSL running. 

Still have the same problem with SSL enabled I/E and Edge will not work and with SSL disabled they both work.

Edited by ronnie
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8 hours ago, ronnie said:

Turned SSL back on and I/E would no longer work and it added another root certificate to Firefox.

I have deleted 1 of them but I have SSL disabled and if I enable it again I will get another root certificate on Firefox.

So do I enable SSL again and then delete one of the root certificates.

Yes. Verify that SSL Protocol scanning is working correctly in FireFox by accessing the Malwarebytes web site. Once we get FireFox straightened out, we will then address IE and Edge.

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Looks like back to square1. Firefox not working with SSL enabled. Select one automatically is still dotted in Advanced.


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17 minutes ago, ronnie said:

Looks like back to square1. Firefox not working with SSL enabled. Select one automatically is still dotted in Advanced.


I though you can fix this by doing what did previously?

In Firefox 50.1.0 Advanced found that When a Server requests my personal certificate ask me every time was dotted.  Changed that to Select one automatically and Firefox is working again with SSL switched on.

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At this point, I am going to bow out of helping you. There appears to me an issue with use of the Eset SSL cert. on your PC. There could be a number of reasons for this which are not directly related to Eset itself.

Again, I suggest you contact your Eset UK distributor tech support for assistance. They can initiate a remote desktop session to your PC and check it out for what the issue might be.

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ok itman, I don't blame you getting really fed up with it myself.

Thank you so much for all the help and time you have spent on trying to fix it for me.

Thinking of deleting this new version of Eset smart Security and trying an older version.

if I have any luck doing it that way i will let you know.

Once again many thanks for your help it was appreciated.



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Update. Decided to delete Emsisoft and Eset, and then installed Eset again  and it was just the same so deleted it again.

Downloaded Emsisoft and it was just the same.So downloaded Eset Internet Security to try that. And yes that is still the same.

So can only think it is a problem on my laptop that must be causing it.

So have decided to leave it as it is for a while to see if I can find out what the problem is.

Going to concentrate on the router first as that looks the most likely suspect..


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2 hours ago, ronnie said:

Downloaded Emsisoft and it was just the same.

If by this you mean that you could not connect to HTTPS web sites using EAM and the Windows firewall, then the problem is clearly not related to Eset's SSL protocol scanning. EAM does not perform SSL protocol scanning; it uses URL and IP address blacklisting. 

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Sorry never explained that very well itman.

With Emsisoft it will not update unless SSL is switched off. Everything else works. Web sites still open.

It just points to either SSL corruption somewhere or I have a nasty hidden away on my computer somewhere that just affects security programs.

I did have Malwarebytes premium on the laptop as well but it kept reverting back to the free version even though i had put the correct keycode in it.

So I am assuming there is something stopping my security programs from phoning home to get activated properly.

Any ideas on that one itman.

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2 hours ago, ronnie said:

With Emsisoft it will not update unless SSL is switched off. Everything else works. Web sites still open.

EAM has an option to receive updates via secure SSL connection. I believe it is set on by default. It can be disabled.


2 hours ago, ronnie said:

I did have Malwarebytes premium on the laptop as well but it kept reverting back to the free version even though i had put the correct keycode in it.

I remember reading something a while back that Malwarebytes was no longer honoring lifetime licenses for MBAM Pro with the current versions of it. I would check with Malwarebytes if you are having licensing issues.

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Malwarebytes is fine and it does honour its lifetime deal. it automatically updates you to Malwarebytes premium.

I am just going with what has been said from Eset and Emsisoft that they can see the kecode in the logs but it is not reaching its destination.

I am almost sure I had that confirmed by both Eset and Emsisoft but maybe it was just the one. I know for sure Emsisoft  had that problem but not 100% sure about Eset. I will check later to see if I can find it anywhere. If in an e-mail it will be long gone by now as I do not hold on to them.

Just checked Emsisoft and the only way to update it would be to turn SSL off.

It says  Use SSL encryptions for all server communications.

It does not mention anything or show anything in the update folder to turn SSL off. Using the latest version of Emsisoft so maybe no longer on there,

I downloaded Eset and Emsisoft using the trial set up then putting in my keycode. I am half expecting them to revert to the free version again after 3o days the same as malwarebytes. As I have just installed them again I still have another 28 days to wait till I find ou.



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I am also on the Virginmedia Forum trying to get someone to check my router for me. The logs show 3 critical problems but getting no replies




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36 minutes ago, ronnie said:

It says  Use SSL encryptions for all server communications.

It does not mention anything or show anything in the update folder to turn SSL off. Using the latest version of Emsisoft so maybe no longer on there,

Check if its in this section per posting on the Emsisoft forum:

Please open our software and go to Settings subsection Privacy. Disable the option Use SSL encryption for all server communication. Now you are able to get online updates in our software?

33 minutes ago, ronnie said:

The logs show 3 critical problems but getting no replies

What are the errors?

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Sorry still not quite got the hang of it. I am assuming it is the obvious one on each picture.

Please open our software and go to Settings subsection Privacy. Disable the option Use SSL encryption for all server communication. Now you are able to get online updates in our software?

Yes that is what i do itman then i enable SSL again



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Sorry. can't help you with those Virgin Mobile screen shots. Those are related to transmission details that I believe only one of their techs can help you with.

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I just wanted to add that I am having a similar problem. Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer all fail to function with SSL filtering enabled. Nothing  seems to fix it. I've turned off my filter, turned it back on; I've verified that it was in the certificate store. NOTHING fixes the issue, only disabling SSL filtering itself is when it starts to work.


And I'm very familiar with SSL filtering as my job uses it for Websense and Mcafee DLP. Usually you add the root cert, everything is golden. But this, I just can't get it to work at all....


And it does this on multiple machines in my house, so I am at a loss of what is causing it. Granted, the error messages I am getting is not the same as him, mine is just failing to connect or giving me unknown security authority.

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11 hours ago, Nonadex said:

And it does this on multiple machines in my house, so I am at a loss of what is causing it. Granted, the error messages I am getting is not the same as him, mine is just failing to connect or giving me unknown security authority.

This would happen if the root certificate could not be imported automatically for some reason. Try the following:
- restart the computer
- without launching any application, open the ESET advanced setup, disable SSL/TLS filtering and click OK
- re-enable SSL/TLS filtering and click OK
- after a few seconds launch a browser and try to open an https website.

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Just a couple of questions if you do not mind.

Have you installed or reinstalled Eset lately.

I have sort of given up on getting it sorted but I disabled SSL and put the root certificate in that.SO basically running with SSL switched off.

Not sure if it does any good but thought that it would be better than nothing.

If by any chance you try that and  decide  to enable SSL again remove the root certificate first or you end up getting multiple certificates with SSL enabled.

Good luck I hope you manage to get it sorted and will be watching just in case I can find the problem to sort mine.


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Got fed up with it and decided to go back to factory settings. i was hoping that would have sorted my problem out.

Unfortunately it still does the same.. So have to think that it is something on my computer that is doing it.

I should point out mine comes bundled with Mcafee but ran the removal tool for that and it had gone completely'

Checked in the registry and no sign of it so assume that it has gone.

It has to be the router or something on the Laptop that is the problem.



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On 1/29/2017 at 5:41 AM, Marcos said:

This would happen if the root certificate could not be imported automatically for some reason. Try the following:
- restart the computer
- without launching any application, open the ESET advanced setup, disable SSL/TLS filtering and click OK
- re-enable SSL/TLS filtering and click OK
- after a few seconds launch a browser and try to open an https website.

Same result each time. I've done this a lot and seen those exact same KB articles posted. Nothing works, I am at a complete loss of why it fails to function. I submitted a support request within the software itself and I got a support ticket in Slovak.


Is it possible that my license is associated with Slovakia and that is the reason why TLS isn't working because it is filtering Slovakian websites instead of English ones? If that is the case, I would need to contact my retailer to get this issue addressed but I was just brainstorming here.

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Just wanted to post an update, I have solved my problem. I use another software called Adguard, I had not realized that this blocked ads on HTTPS websites with its own filtering. Once I have disabled this feature, it works fine now.


Sorry for wasting people's time on this.

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17 minutes ago, Nonadex said:

I use another software called Adguard, I had not realized that this blocked ads on HTTPS websites with its own filtering

Yes. Adguard does SSL protocol filtering. It also installs a root CA certificate to do it. Manually validate the cert. has been removed.

SSL certificate pass-through When activating "Filter https protocol" in Adguard Preferences, a website's SSL certificate is replaced with an intermediate SSL certificate by the Adguard local.

You can also try to disable the above feature in Adguard and see if Eset SSL protocol scanning works. Or, just use the plug-in ver. of Adguard.

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Nice one Nonadex it has not been a waste of time as I am sure it will help others with the same problem.

I deleted my AdblockPlus hoping that would have solved my problems but alas no luck with that.

Hardly anything on this laptop, apart from removing McAfee using the proper removal tool and installing Eset and Emsisoft there is not a lot more on it.

My problem is I am not sure what I am looking for but will carry on looking. I have tried Emsisoft and Eset on there own so I know it is not a clash between them but will check all the settings again.

So once again thanks for posting how you solved your problem.


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