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Hi, good day. There's a bug in V6 that's when out of electricity and turn back on most of the setting gone. I been having this issues long time since i'm start using V6 even with latest version still rermain the same, settings gone. As i checked firewall rules and zone setting will gone and some other settings in advanced setup, please check and resolve this issue.


Thank you.

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Firewall settings are stored in a data file on the disk. If the computer is not shut down properly, it could obviously cause a loss of firewall settings, especially if writing to the dat file was unexpectedly interrupted by power outage.

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Thanks for reply, but in V5 there's no problem with it even power outage. Now whenever i have power outage everytime i turn on my pc i need to reconfigure everything it's really frustrated, is there a way to get rid of this or i need to revert back to V5? Can't it save permanent? If it do how come the data can be loss even power outage? I can't get it while V5 works fine but not in V6.

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If power outages are a regular inconvenience where you live, perhaps it would be wise to invest in a basic UPS. This would avoid problems with data loss, and mitigate the risk of damage to your hardware.

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This has gone back for years on program development......


If you need your settings to be saved and changed.....


You need to make your changes, then perform a graceful shutdown of your computer .....


When you reboot and come back online, the settings will have saved to the ini or dat files, or whatever.....

Then when you have your next power surge, the settings will remain, up to prior to the shutdown that was unexpected. Any changes after you restart will not be saved until the next graceful shutdown.


This also goes for programs that have their settings change or write to the ini file when you close the program.

You cannot edit files or change them while they are open or in use ...... So closing and reopening saves the settings. This goes for almost all programs.


Try it and see ..... before you lose power again :)

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I always shutdown at night, there's no reason not to. Yes I have heard all the stories from people who never shutdown because of this or that. Scared that the Harddrive will brake at startup... Or a study shows....yeah whatever. Each to their own I guess  :lol:

Edited by SweX
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If you experience many power outages where you live, and while it's highly recommended to use a UPS in such case if possible, one thing that might help a bit is to disable write-caching on your drive(s) (if applicable).

You can do some from Device Manager > Disk Drives > Select your drive > Policies tab > Untick "Enable write caching on the device" checkbox > OK (a restart might be required), this will cause a small performance hit but generally it's negligible, so weigh your options.

Hope this helps.

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It was confirmed by developers that no changes were made between v5 and v6 in terms of saving the configuration to the data file so it's weird why it occurs only with v6.

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