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Basic Setup of Updates and License activation

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Hi all,


Hoping you can help, I'm new to ESET (having moved from another vendor). 

I'm having difficulty setting up updates and license activations. The previous vendors product did all of this out of the box and without too much hassle, however i'm finding that ESET is not so simple!

Here are my requirements:

  • All client installs can be performed remotely from the adminstration server and have the correct license installed automatically
  • Clients activate licenses through the remote administration server
  • Clients get updates from the remote administration server

My network is a flat network on the same subnet with no firewalls/ IPS/ IDS etc etc inbetween clients and the remote administration server.

I've read through tonnes of documentation and i'm finding it lacking!




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Are the clients connected to the Internet? If so, directly or through a proxy server? Ideally they should be able to reach ESET's servers as the ERA agent on client would communicate with ESET's activation servers. Otherwise you'd need to use offline license files to activate Endpoint on clients.

As for updates, we'd recommend using an HTTP proxy server (Apache HTTP Proxy is bundled in the all-in-one installer) to save a lot of network traffic. Creating a local update mirror would be a waste of traffic as it would download a lot of update files that may not be needed by clients in your network.

By the way, what solution did you use previously that had the activation process more straightforward?

Link to help files that could help you:

Adding a license key to ERA (http://help.eset.com/era_admin/64/en-US/admin_license_add.htm)
Deploying agent (http://help.eset.com/era_admin/64/en-US/fs_agent_deploy.htm)
Installing Endpoint (
Activating Endpoint (

Should you need further clarification or help, don't hesitate to ask.

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1 minute ago, Marcos said:

Are the clients connected to the Internet? If so, directly or through a proxy server? Ideally they should be able to reach ESET's servers as the ERA agent on client would communicate with ESET's activation servers. Otherwise you'd need to use offline license files to activate Endpoint on clients.

As for updates, we'd recommend using an HTTP proxy server (Apache HTTP Proxy is bundled in the all-in-one installer) to save a lot of network traffic. Creating a local update mirror would be a waste of traffic as it would download a lot of update files that may not be needed by clients in your network.

By the way, what solution did you use previously that had the activation process more straightforward?

Hi Marcos,

The clients are connected to the internet via a proxy server. 
So there is no way of activating clients automatically through the ERA?

I installed the HTTP proxy server with ERA when I first installed.

What is confusing is that there are multiple places to set proxy/ update and other servers. Where do I set the proxy for license activation and the HTTP proxy server for updates? 

Kaspersky - Did all of the above automatically through the Remote Admin Console (KSC). 

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Automatic activation is possible. Basically what you need to do is:
- Add your license to ERA
- Deploy ERA agent on clients and make sure it starts reporting to ERAS
- Create a dynamic group with no ESET Endpoint product installed (see http://help.eset.com/era_admin/65/en-US/index.html?dg_example_1.htm)
- Create a Software install task (you'll select the desired product and license that you have previously added to ERA) and bind it to that dynamic group. When done, edit the task and change the trigger to "Joined dynamic group" so that the activation task is run when a client falls to the dynamic group with no ESET Endpoint installed.

As for the http proxy server, since you have used the All-in-one ERA installer, it's already pre-configured both in the ERA Agent and ESET Security product policies.

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