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Pause protection but still be detected by startup scanner


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I use EES 6.4.2014. I want to disable protection. Right click ESET icon then choose 'Pause protection'. Like this:




But EES still detect a file by 'Startup scanner'. 


According my test.. The 'Startup scanner' be ran by schedule task 'System startup file check - Successful update of the virus signature database'. But I've do rollback. So it should not possible update virus signature database now.

And this task should only run once per hour maximum. It be detected about 3 minutes one time.




My questions are:


1. What is the right procedure to disable protection temporary?

2. Why 'Startup scanner' does not just run in after 'Successful update of the virus signature database'?



Edited by sdnian
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Temporarily disabling protection from the tray menu disables real-time, web access and email protection, ie. protection modules that work real-time. Other protection modules, such as AMS, EB, startup scans remain active.


By default, a startup scan is run: 1, when Windows starts, 2. after a successful update. It does not run under other circumstances unless you've created a new task or modified an existing System startup file check task.

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Temporarily disabling protection from the tray menu disables real-time, web access and email protection, ie. protection modules that work real-time. Other protection modules, such as AMS, EB, startup scans remain active.


By default, a startup scan is run: 1, when Windows starts, 2. after a successful update. It does not run under other circumstances unless you've created a new task or modified an existing System startup file check task.


Schedule tasks are all default settings.



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