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Hello everyone,


I've replaced old Antivirus server ESET 5 to ESET 6 after using a long time. I'm having a trouble when I trying to create a mirror update server on ESET 6 Remote Administrator. Even though I had tried to find the way to create a mirror like the old one, ESET 5. Could you guys give me some idea about my issue ?


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First of all, we strongly recommend using an HTTP proxy for updates as it saves a lot of traffic/data unless you have dozens of thousands of computers. However, you can still create a mirror with v6 products, either by Endpoint, file/server v6 products or using a stand-alone command-line mirror tool that is downloadable from ESET's website. ERA v6 doesn't create a mirror any more.

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First of all, we strongly recommend using an HTTP proxy for updates as it saves a lot of traffic/data unless you have dozens of thousands of computers. However, you can still create a mirror with v6 products, either by Endpoint, file/server v6 products or using a stand-alone command-line mirror tool that is downloadable from ESET's website. ERA v6 doesn't create a mirror any more.

Would recommend you go the command-line mirror tool and serve them over an HTTP using your choice of web server product (Apache and IIS I have tested with).  The one built into the products is not designed for any large scale deployment.  

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First of all, we strongly recommend using an HTTP proxy for updates as it saves a lot of traffic/data unless you have dozens of thousands of computers. However, you can still create a mirror with v6 products, either by Endpoint, file/server v6 products or using a stand-alone command-line mirror tool that is downloadable from ESET's website. ERA v6 doesn't create a mirror any more.

Thanks for your reply Marcos, I tried configure HTTP Proxy but it doesn't work properly. Could you give me a documentation for configuring? I used to familiar with setup ESET 5 so I temporarily configure HTTP Proxy on ESET 6 work well.

Edited by Trieu Truong
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