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Posts posted by Pando

  1. I'm using ESET Endpoint Antivirus version 5.0.2214.4, Cleaner module 1113.


    It is compatible with Windows 10 according your website:


    ESET Endpoint Security / ESET Endpoint Antivirus 5.0.2126 and later 5.x builds
    Yes, you can upgrade to Windows 10 now 

    The problem is still there in this build, and I have also tried Cleaner module 1114 (EDIT: it was a pre-release version 1114).


    Please issue a fix for this software, or update your website reflecting that it's NOT IN FACT COMPATIBLE.


    Thank you.



  2. Just for giggles I tried to set permissions to those keys so System would not be able make changes to the key - no luck. Even with explicit write deny permissions for "System", ekrn.exe (which invokes the System) is still changing the key. Windows must have a global override.


    So for now I just modified the permissions so I can still change the keys quickly myself with an exported registry file. Since Windows reads these values only once upon login, I need to execute the reg file before I log off. It's a pain, but much faster than manually modifying the keys all the time. One of these days I'll set up a script or batch file that runs this automatically upon logoff.


    I also verified with a plain Windows 10 machine without ESET that both registry keys are set to %SystemRoot%\system32\windows.storage.dll


    Here is the reg file contents:


    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

  3. Here is what I found:


    The instructions in the preceding posts indicate that two registry keys need to be changed:



    I changed the values on both to:



    and rebooted. This fixed it temporarily, but upon the next reboot they were changed back again to the previous values (shell32.dll), and the desktop icon problem was BACK.


    So, I went back to the registry and changed them as follows:


    On this key:


    I changed the value to:



    and this key:


    I changed it to:



    I've rebooted several times now and the problem is now gone. The registry values seem to stick.


    I hope this helps someone, as it was certainly frustrating, and I hope someone at ESET can supply a permanent fix.


    EDIT: NEVER MIND of the above, it still reverted back to shell32.dll after several reboots and waiting longer....

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