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Everything posted by memiself

  1. Hello, I'm trying to see the advantages of installing ESET using the extension... I did so on a one-off setup for a client with no remote administrator as I thought it would be a "good fit". The installation went ok (v6.5), except had to set up as a reseller to get a licence for the client. Now v7 is here and there is no way (that I can see) to use the Azure interface to upgrade Eset file security on the VM. Eset said I would need to download the setup onto the VM and run from within the VM... I have done this (all OK within the VM) but from the FileSecurity Azure interface it still says Version is 6.* and status level is "Warning". The only action available is "Uninstall" If I uninstall the (ostensibly v6) extension from Azure will the now v7 version I installed manually be removed? Also the Azure Advisor says that there is no Endpoint Protection on the VM (said before upgraded to v7).. So what advantage is there in using the Eset Azure VM extension? TIA.
  2. Dear all, Just wondering if any one else have a problem getting to hxxp://www.eset.co.uk when using a squid web proxy? I can get to other eset sites e.g.; hxxp://www.eset.com/int/ hxxp://www.eset.com/us/ even hxxp://eset.ua/ just not hxxp://www.eset.co.uk/… get 400 bad request. On a linux box a wget hxxp://www.eset.co.uk/ gets a truncated index.html last line being: Code: Tracker.add('https://bs.serving-sys.com/BurstingPipe/ActivityServer.bs?cn=as&ActivityID=259541&ns=1');});</script></body></html> wget hxxp://www.eset.com/int/ gets a fully formed file. Turning web proxy off enables access to hxxp://www.eset.co.uk I logged with eset support who say no-one else has reported it and their site is compliant... It is clearly different from other eset sites. Following posting to my firewall (Smoothwall) forum​ they say that "That site doesn't like being accessed from behind a proxy.".. clearly! You would think that eset sites would be ok with what must be the most used proxy/ ​
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