Thank you for the fast response!
I confirm that following missing param
--updateServer hxxp://
was the solution for me (Server security for linux).
As I am not using a HTTP Mirror but the offline update method, if I copy the content of the outputDirectory from following call
MirrorTool --mirrorType regular --intermediateUpdateDirectory "$MIRROR_TMP" --offlineLicenseFilename "$LIC" --mirrorOnlyLevelUpdates --outputDirectory "$MIRROR_DIR" --excludedProducts era6 ep9 ep8 ep7 ep6 ep5 ep4 safetica sharepoint domino --updateServer hxxp://
to an offline machine, the offline machine performs the ESET 10 update correctly. I did not have to add any folder (like /LinuxServer).
The only thing which is surprising me is the output of the MirrorToor, where it states ".. product 'unknown'..".
Mirror Tool v1.0.2481.0, Copyright (c) ESET, spol. s r.o. 1992-2023. All rights reserved.
Creating mirror directly from link: hxxp://
Mirror type changed to regular
Initialization finished
Perform full mirror started
Update status for product 'unknown' changed to: Preparing structures and analyzing
Downloading file: update.ver.signed. Downloaded: 100 %
Update status for product 'unknown' changed to: Downloading files
Downloading file: em025_64_l2.nup. Downloaded: 37 %
Update status for product 'unknown' changed to: Updating
Downloaded: 100 %
Update status for product 'unknown' changed to: Finished
Perform full mirror finished
Uninitialization finished
Mirror created successfully