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John Q

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  1. Upvote
    John Q gave kudos to Marcos in Issue with mozilla shortcuts after downloading the latest eset version   
    The OP did key re-mapping which does not work if keys are scrambled. Thus disabling keyboard protection did the trick and it started to work after disabling it:
    yes, i have done some key remappings with powertoys but it is installed 5 months now without any issues.
  2. Upvote
    John Q received kudos from peteyt in Issue with mozilla shortcuts after downloading the latest eset version   
    No, the issues persisted, but they have been resolved after disabling "keyboard protection".
  3. Upvote
    John Q gave kudos to Marcos in Issue with mozilla shortcuts after downloading the latest eset version   
    Open advanced setup (F5) -> Web and email protection -> Banking and payment protection.
  4. Upvote
    John Q gave kudos to Marcos in Issue with mozilla shortcuts after downloading the latest eset version   
    This is unlikely caused by ESET. Does actually uninstalling ESET temporarily make a difference and the issue returns right after you install it with default settings?
    Couldn't it be that you have an anti-keylogger or key scrambler installed? If so, disabling keyboard protection would likely help:

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