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    russell_t received kudos from MarcFL in Eset Server Security Non-Functional After Last Module Update   
    Am also seeing this across every Server 2012 R2 ESET Server security install, been on hold for USA Business support for 10 minutes trying to check with them about this. I don't think I've seen it on newer server versions but as far as I'm aware 2012R2 should still be supported by ESET for another year?
  2. Upvote
    russell_t received kudos from rgoldman in Hafnium related? False positive?   
    I also received this response from samples@eset.sk:
    Thank you for your submission.
    It was a false positive of our scanner and this issue is fixed in current version of detection engine.
    ESET Malware Response Team
  3. Upvote
    russell_t gave kudos to rgoldman in Hafnium related? False positive?   
    Getting alerts today on some of these (Exchange server):
    Object URI: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v4.0.30319/Temporary ASP.NET Files/owa/8e05b027/e164d61b/App_Web_oierlfno.dll
    Severity: Warning
    Detection Type: Trojan
    Detection Name: MSIL/Webshell.BY
    Object Type: File
    Action Performed: Cleaned by deleting
    Anyone know if this could be legit or false positive? Thanks
  4. Upvote
    russell_t gave kudos to Marcos in Hafnium related? False positive?   
    The detection has been already re-enabled today and now should detected only actually malicious files.
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