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About mh0

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  1. This just started happening to me on Friday where MySQL will sit there just fine but once the Inspect Server is launched, MySQL takes a and just shuts down. Two things I'm seeing in the MySQL logs: Trying to get some variables. Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort. Query (227755f0620): UPDATE clients SET lastConnected = UTC_TIMESTAMP(), events = fnLaterTimestamp(events, '2022-08-12 17:36:36'), removed = 0 WHERE groupId = 1021 Connection ID (thread ID): 28 Status: NOT_KILLED 2022-08-16T13:26:55.345304Z 31 [ERROR] [MY-012869] [InnoDB] Record in index `idx_removed` of table `eidb`.`clients` was not found on update: TUPLE (info_bits=0, 2 n_cmp=2, fields): {[1] (0x10),[4] (0x80000696)} at: COMPACT RECORD(info_bits=0, 1 fields): {[8]infimum (0x696e66696d756d00)} 2022-08-16T13:26:55.805783Z 30 [ERROR] [MY-012869] [InnoDB] Record in index `idx_removed` of table `eidb`.`clients` was not found on update: TUPLE (info_bits=0, 2 n_cmp=2, fields): {[1] (0x14),[4] 6(0x80000436)} at: COMPACT RECORD(info_bits=0, 1 fields): {[8]infimum (0x696e66696d756d00)} 2022-08-16T13:26:56.206167Z 27 [ERROR] [MY-012869] [InnoDB] Record in index `idx_removed` of table `eidb`.`clients` was not found on update: TUPLE (info_bits=0, 2 n_cmp=2, fields): {[1] (0x07),[4] (0x800005ea)} at: COMPACT RECORD(info_bits=0, 1 fields): {[8]infimum (0x696e66696d756d00)} I'm not skilled enough in MySQL to know what to do with this, or if I even can. And this may not even be the error I need to focus on for all I know. Are there any commands I can use to clean up/optimize the ESET Inspect db or anything?
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