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Everything posted by HSW

  1. Yes all is on. EDIT: I test it now With only alcohol Filter. All http blocked correct with message, https works not only for alcohol pages. Other are working.
  2. Hi, I try the actual webcontrol (6.5) and have some problems with https sites. Facebook for example is blocked but the message says only "no safe connection possible". On http sites i get the ESET block notice but on https not. (i blocked over categories Need i something special to setup?
  3. Hi, is there a manual for the import function, what files can be used to Import, which Format, examples, etc.? Pls provide us some Infos, manual adding is borring. thx HSW EDIT: actualy Version of ERAS and Clients 6.5.
  4. Hi, i have try it again, i make a mistake we have a SP13 with this the command runs fine and i see the wrong sites. Thx for Help! HSW
  5. Thx for your help i have rollback to 4.5 the system must run actualy and i dont have much time i will try it later again with the newer Version (actualy the Version do not appear in the repository). How Long ESET will support the version 4.5?
  6. After Restart Again Errors in the log: [2017-04-04 14:59:51] (4344:1): System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Zugriff verweigert (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) bei Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleUnauthorizedAccessException(UnauthorizedAccessException ex) bei Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetUsersDataAsSafeArray(String bstrUrl, UInt32 dwUsersScope, UInt32 dwUserCollectionFlags, String bstrValue, UInt32 dwValue, UInt32& pdwColCount, UInt32& pdwRowCount, Object& pvarDataSet) bei Microsoft.SharePoint.SPUserCollection.InitUsersCore(Boolean fCustomUsers, String[] strIdentifiers, SPUserCollectionFlags ucf) bei Microsoft.SharePoint.SPUserCollection.Undirty() bei Microsoft.SharePoint.SPBaseCollection.GetEnumerator() bei ESET.SPUserCounter.WalkAllWebs() [2017-04-04 14:59:52] (4344:1): ESET.CommException: Kernel request failed (10). bei ESET.CommUtil.HandleNODPROTResult(UInt32 callResult) bei ESET.CommUtil.ReportError(REPORT_ERROR_CODE error, String errorObject, Boolean throwOnCommError, RawPacket rawAdditionalData) bei ESET.Logger.LogError(REPORT_ERROR_CODE errorCode, String objectName, Exception exception, RawPacket rawAdditionalData) [2017-04-04 14:59:52] (4344:1): System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Zugriff verweigert (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) bei Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleUnauthorizedAccessException(UnauthorizedAccessException ex) bei Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetSubwebs(String bstrUrl, Object& pvarSubwebs, Object& pvarSubwebIds, Object& pvarLangs, Object& pvarTitles, Object& pvarAppInstanceIds) bei Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.SPWebCollectionProvider.GetWebsData(String[]& strNames, String[]& strServiceRelUrls, Guid[]& guidWebIds, Int32[]& nLanguages, String[]& strTitles, String[]& strDescriptions, String[]& strCreationTimes, String[]& strModifiedTimes, Boolean[]& bUserIsWebAdmins, Int32[]& nWebTemplates, Int16[]& nProvisionConfigs, Int16[]& nMeetingCounts, Int32[]& nUIVersions, Int32[]& nFlags, String[]& strMasterUrls, String[]& strCustomMasterUrls, Guid[]& appInstanceIds) bei Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWebCollection.EnsureWebsData() bei Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWebCollection.get_Count() bei ESET.WebTreeEnumerator.<GetEnumerator>d__0.MoveNext() bei ESET.SPUserCounter.WalkAllWebs() [2017-04-04 14:59:52] (4344:1): ESET.CommException: Kernel request failed (10). bei ESET.CommUtil.HandleNODPROTResult(UInt32 callResult) bei ESET.CommUtil.ReportError(REPORT_ERROR_CODE error, String errorObject, Boolean throwOnCommError, RawPacket rawAdditionalData) bei ESET.Logger.LogError(REPORT_ERROR_CODE errorCode, String objectName, Exception exception, RawPacket rawAdditionalData)
  7. command runs in an error. Logfile from SHPIO see in attachment. I Upgrade ESET from Version 4.5 to 6.5 if this could be a problem? Upgrade over ERAS and softwareinstallation-push, without problems. Beschreibung: Stopped working   Problemsignatur: Problemereignisname: CLR20r3 Problemsignatur 01: shpio10.exe Problemsignatur 02: 6.5.15005.0 Problemsignatur 03: 589da466 Problemsignatur 04: SHPIO10 Problemsignatur 05: 6.5.15005.0 Problemsignatur 06: 589da466 Problemsignatur 07: f5 Problemsignatur 08: 1a Problemsignatur 09: System.IO.FileNotFoundException Betriebsystemversion: 6.2.9200. Gebietsschema-ID: 1031 SHPIO_20170404.log
  8. Hi, the warning: "Unable to access some of the SharePoint web site objects" are not realy usefull, where can i find which site is the problem? thx HSW
  9. Since we have upgrade to 6.5 i cant reactivate our Mobile Device Connector: HTTPS certificate chain is incomplete. Enrollment is not allowed. Malfunction ESET Remote Administrator Mobile Device Connector I have reinstallet the MDC but error again, the cert is created from the ERAS Server (over Peer Certificates in the Admin console) What can i try? I have only some test mobiles in this DB so its no problem to wipe the MDC DB. Malfunction ESET Remote Administrator Mobile Device Connector
  10. Hi, can someone privide me the Information where i found now the table tbl_log_apps_installed_history I used it for a better report of new installed software. With ERAS 6.5 you change nearly all in the DB And yes i know i can do many things with the reports but you filters are not enough and i dont want to know with software gets updates, i only want to know what is realy new. Also i want to exclude some logged on users and some special vendors (more than one) and some special aplications with wildcards (Driver etc.) also more than one. (there is still the problem that i can only use a filter one time) I hope someone can help me EDIT can be closed i found it so many different new tables for the same thing as before ... (tblf_apps_installed_status, tbld_apps_installed_status_vendor, tbld_apps_installed_status_name_version)
  11. Thx i will try, i make snapshot before. I think only upgrade SQL is more easier than migrade to a new one. hxxp://help.eset.com/era_install/63/en-US/index.html?db_migration_sql.htm
  12. Hi, iam actual using SQLE 2008 can i upgrade to 2016? Or 2014? thx
  13. Hi, can i setup this to ignor or dont mark this in red? I dont need this feature on different Server and so i dont activate it. Marking as red when i deactivate it with policy is a bad idea (ERAS version is 6.5 with 6.4 this wasnt a problem)
  14. Yes shure but i dont want to install 600x beta clients So you can say a circa / approximately date ( 1 week or half year)? thx HSW
  15. We still have this problem, we try the fix. But when you will provide a new version of ESET we dont want to replace this file on 600 Systems. Actually we have disable the USB controll and all is fine. (But we want this feature!) thx HSW
  16. Hi, if the release is still not ready, we are also interested in the beta thx HSW
  17. Same problem with 1067 and Eset Andpoint Antivirus for Business 6.4.2014.2 If we activate the media controll (USB controll) -> do a restart -> bluescreen with same driver. Please fix.
  18. All Device types = all devices (this means com, Serial and also intern Connections) You must first Setup the allowed devices and than at least the "all forbidden" I prefer to block only the USB devices not all devices. EDIT: if you realy want to block all devices, do a policy "all devices" allowed + logging to find all devices on eras in the loggs and than create a Group of the allowed devices (with Serial)
  19. not possible. We had the same problem, after upgrade to the latest version of ESET it still scan but no problems with this. (before we had freezes and bluescreens)
  20. This was a helpfull info, we only logged in with Security Admin. THX
  21. If i know the PC will be replaced its clear to do this but there are certain other reasons where this is NOT do able! -> Now you have to deactivate the unused seats from eset license administrator. -> why ESET is not able to sync with ERAS automaticly or do it like before in ERAS 5? There are different reasons why ESET should do this in other ways: - damaged hardware, - damaged eset client, - other software problems, - Windows 10 upgrade - pc stolen - update ESET Version If i manage 50 clients your way is do able but with more no chance! fix this in future versions PLEASE Also i have no possibility to delete Assets under https://ela.eset.com/SecurityAdmin/UnitManagement/ it says "you can only delete if activated by the security Admin..." i cant select any items And we have only 1 Security Admin EDIT: Ok now i know what you mean, for deactivating the Asset must not be online, this was not clear before. I setup the online license administrator to deactivate + delete all clients > 30 days not connected and hope this will fix my problem.
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