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About INVA

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    Czech Rep.
  1. Eset suppport repaired EBA and wrote it me, adress for my licences and password were correct. Licences were tranfered successful today.
  2. This doesn't work either, sendgrid.net emails went through before, we couldn't block them. But others from eba.eset.com don't go, even if the first one went through without any problems. We have a lot of emails from sendgrid.net in the mail server log, but none from eba.eset.com.
  3. I found https://support.eset.com/en/kb7464-i-did-not-receive-email-about-registration-or-change-of-an-eset-online-service "Whitelist the IP address of our mail server:" = o503161240.outbound-mail.sendgrid.net. sendgrid.net is at my blacklist :(, for transfering licences I will use # for a moment
  4. There are no verification emails to transfer additional licenses. The Email for the first license package came, but when I trying to add another stack, it didn't come to the same email. Eset.com is in white list on mail server, but in logs is only old message from first licences. In https://eba.eset.com/ba/alerts, is sent mail message, but there isn't message in the log on the mail server. I need to transfer additional licenses from Eset License Administrator to ESET Business Account, but verification emails do not arrive within an hour or an hour. Tested twice, but no verification email came. Thank you for answer.
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