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Everything posted by cyc12077

  1. For me, just run it, without doing anything else, it will disappear in a few sec. And during that few seconds, it cannot input login/pwd or press any buttons.
  2. I installed Visual Studio 2019 this morning for my other works. But after installing it, my software works. Could it be that ESET modified or blocked some .NET file or old dll in the system? How could I submit my software installation exe? essp_logs.zip
  3. Where I can get the ESET Log Collector logs? I'll try to get a trial version on Monday. How can I submit the trial version? It should be an installation exe.
  4. Following is reply from Microsoft about 0xc0000005 code: Application Error 0xc0000005 (Access Violation) error is usually caused by your computer not being able to correctly process the files and settings required to run a particular program or installation. Despite the error showing when you try and use particular pieces of software, it has many different causes including faulty RAM problems, errors with the files of your PC and issues with the settings of your PC. I think ESET should have modified some system files that my software relies on. But I do not know where to look into. If I totally reset my laptop system to factory setting, then install my software, it works fine. After installing ESET, issue occurs. Reinstall my software with different versions or uninstall ESET, issue still stays.
  5. I tried on Wednesday and today. I think either it changed something in system or something when I tried to run the software. I can launch but cannot stay running. The software is a c++ software. I believe it should use some windows setting or access some files.
  6. My software was installed and used for a long time with no issue. And I installed ESET on Wednesday and issue appeared.
  7. Even uninstalling ESET cannot make the issue go away. Seems something was modified by ESET permanently.
  8. Pausing protection does not help. Disable HIPS and reboot still cannot run my trading software. Any other way I could try?
  9. After the 5/2 ESET update, my trading software, which I have used for several years cannot run properly. I can launch it. But after that, it will just disappear in 2 or 3 seconds. There is 1000 error in event viewer. Seems ESET is blocking something. Adding exclusive does not help. I tried several times with different software version and different windows system. Once install latest ESET, the software cannot run.
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