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Posts posted by peteyt

  1. Not sure if this is an actual PUA or a false positive. Recently downloaded Medal of Honor a 2010 EA game via Steam. I'd played it years ago but re-downloaded it to play the other day and launching it I got an eset warning, possibly augur, stating something got blocked. Eset has warned me it is potentially unsafe today and given me the options to exclude, ignore etc. but the submit option is greyed out. As EA has sometimes not been the most reputable company when privacy is concerned I wondered if this was related to this but it picks the file up as BH/Crack.1 which shouldn't be the case as it was downloaded from Steam.

    Thought I'd post it on here in case it was a false positive. Had to zip the file as I can't upload exes directly.


  2. 2 hours ago, Marcos said:

    Ok so please describe the issue you are having. You'd better contact your local ESET customer care since there seems to be a language barrier that prevents explaining the issue.

    This is the same person on here but with a different account which could be against terms. Also said he didn't have a license and was malware that had been on his device for a few years.

    I told him he would be best creating a support ticket but unsure if he can if he still doesn't have a license. He said eset drive security is this a thing?


  3. 1 hour ago, Nightowl said:

    Many system administrators are afraid of updates as they run customized code or some kind of software that might break with updates , or some servers have sleeping admins :D , or they might be lazy or have their own reasons that I don't know them , but I recommend against delaying updates

    This is why I like Linux , updates are sent in short time and not huge sizes , which won't take much time to update and restart , etc.

    security fixes are brought really fast and in small sizes , you don't need 2 hours of preparing to download the update.

    I know a few years back a lot of companies where still using XP and it wouldn't surprise me if this was still the case. For many this was due to using stuff incompatible with newer OS's and it being too expensive to upgrade. This could be even more of a challenge if there where multiple systems and systems with hardware that would also need replaced.

    You often here the IT departments have complained about old systems but it often falls on deaf ears until it's far too late

  4. 3 hours ago, Nightowl said:

    Download managers were useful back in the XP days when everyone had a bad internet that could get his/her download interrupted suddenly so a manager can keep it alive somehow , but I still don't like/trust these softwares especially there are no reason for them (for my usage)

    I do find they seem quicker but could be in the mind. I also like it for resume capabilities and being able to organise more, scheduling etc.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Smithannae2 said:

    So I got a bit more clarity from my dad.

    He says that the last screenshot (from above) shows everything is working as it should be. When he goes to browse the internet is when he gets a small message in the lower righthand corner. He clicks on that and gets the attached screenshot. 

    He has already entered his license key, but the message and this attached screenshot still come up. Interestingly enough, when he first got ESET installed, everything worked fine for about 6 months. Then the software told him his license had expired, which was odd. So he took the computer back to the repair guy, and the guy put in a different license number. Then all of this started happening. The repair guy emailed my dad the new license number (he hadn't given it to him this last time), but it seems like the program keeps asking him to put it in over and over.

    I'm not sure what to make of any of this.

    Screenshot (1).png

    Did he pay for an eset license? It seems odd that the computer repair person would simply give another license. I have seen a lot of people on here posting about licenses not working but it turns out they where sold a license that already had been in use e.g. a seller illegally sells a license for 1 user to multiple users. If a license that is for one machine is overused on multiple machines eset will automatically detect this and disable the license. I'm not saying this is what has happened but that it could be a possibility.

    Has he tried what Itman suggested in the link below? Although not sure if this will work now if it is not taking the license at all

    Your best bet might be creating a support ticket via the website or even sending a private message to @Marcos sharing the license key. 

    If you can get the public license key as shown in the above link you can share that to the forum as it is safe however you cannot share the actual license on the forum (to prevent anyone else using it)

    Hope we can get to the bottom of this

  6. 3 hours ago, Nightowl said:

    You were linked a download manager and not a torrent client

    Use Deluge/Qbittorrent as torrent client , and ditch download managers they are useless most of the times and can be adware more than a download manager.

    I do use FDM myself. Not for torrents, but it can do torrents to. I believe it is open source - had no issues with it myself but then again that means nothing - seems one of the better ones though. Only thing is some features are missing that some paid versions have.

  7. 2 hours ago, Michael_80 said:

    Thankx for your help. i have a bought a new official license. on ebay there are many people that sell illegal licenses!!!!

    It's always recommended to buy your licenses from eset/eset distributors as many sold on other sites are illegal. Often this can simply be the same license being resold to multiple people which eset will detect and block

  8. 9 hours ago, Smithannae2 said:

    So the computer repair guy got back in touch, and he said

    "The error you are seeing is a support assistant error. Not the actual eset itself so I want to verify if there is an error on the eset interface"

    We aren't sure what this means (support assistant error). He is asking to see if there any kind of error on the ESET interface, I assume to prove that this is a support assistant error.

    I attached a screenshot of the current status. Everything seems to be running fine. The message is still appearing though.


    Screenshot (3).png

    This isn't actually esets interface in the screenshot but windows security. In the bottom left of windows where the time and date area is there is a question mark and icon and next to that there is an arrow pointing up. Click the arrow which will reveal hidden icons and there will be an eset icon which is just an e in a circle. Open that and then show us what you see.

    I also don't know what he means by support assistant

  9. 2 hours ago, Smithannae2 said:

    Ok, thank you.

    I will relay this info to him, and see if we can figure those things out. A computer repair guy installed this for him, and when this message started appearing my father took it back to the guy. The repair guy uninstalled it, re-installed it but when my dad got home, the message began coming back.

    Thank you for your help

    I presume the computer guy installed eset. Did your father purchase a license? The problem is eset doesn't offer a free version just a trial. Unsure if maybe he has just installed it but hasn't activated it and your father would have to purchase the license

  10. 3 hours ago, itman said:


    But what the OP stated was somehow after an in program Internet Security update, his Eset version was changed to NOD32. No mention is made of a licensing change. How something like this could happen is a complete mystery.

    Is it just one installer for all versions now or is there a separate version to download. Just wondering if he updated manually from the website but downloaded the nod32 installer

  11. 11 hours ago, ebill said:

    Hello ESET community,

    I use ESET mobile security and and seeing post referring to version 5.3.30, I am showing 5.2.68 as current and up to date (apk file).

    I installed from the .apk file and wonder if it is still updated and supported? Or is the most current supported version the Google play version.

    I just want to stay updated to the most recent version, for the best security. 

    Thank you - ebill


    Normally the play store is generally the recommended method to download stuff. There is also a beta on the play store which I'm using but don't know if the stable has hit 5.3 yet

  12. On 3/19/2020 at 5:16 AM, poissonier léa lynnlo torr said:

    It's a log for eset forum because of memu's bugs and hacked and malicious apps which block my camtasia's important jobs


    À check-up for the pc comings soon

    What is it a log of - eset forum or Camtasia? If there is a bug with Memu you will need to report it to memu - eset cannot fix another programs logs. Also as I said the log cannot be viewed by normal members on here, only mods.

    If this problem is linked to eset you will be better going to the eset website support section and creating a support ticket but as far as I'm aware this isn't an eset problem. You have also mentioned you have malware that has been present for a few years - eset is designed to help fight malware but your malware has been on the system for a while. I also think the multiple AV systems you have been using have caused more problems really.

    Again I'd create a support ticket - I presume you have an eset license 

  13. On 3/13/2020 at 6:54 AM, poissonier léa lynnlo torr said:

    But we continue troubleshoot with memu, Camtasia and the USB disks here

    You keep mentioning other programs but as itman has stated this forum is for eset and not other programs. It is not for helping with camtasia. It sounds like the best option would be reformating the computer because it sounds like it is beyond repair but we cannot help as what your experiencing is a non eset issue

  14. On 3/12/2020 at 10:02 PM, Navara said:

    Description: Searchable list of recent changes
    Detail: Provide us with list of all recent changes in rules / settings, so we can find what we broke and correct it. Selected item could open in it's real location (i.e. recently added firewall rule will open in firewall settings, selected).

    Why: While installing new GeForce Experience I miss-clicked application change dialog, effectively blocking it. And I couldn't find, where the rule was. It wasn't on the firewall list, adding it there in learning mode didn't helped,... while disabling firewall made application working. Only through interactive mode I was able to resolve it. I would like way more control over the process by having all those changes in one place.

    Did you check the firewall troubleshooter wizard?

  15. On 3/10/2020 at 7:16 AM, Nightowl said:

    Mostly people doesn't really care about their systems and don't know that it's not supported anymore I believe , and if you go tell people that 123 happened to their system , they will laugh at you and tell you who cares.. , because really they don't care about their systems.

    Problem is a lot refuse to upgrade from obsolete versions even after they are warned. Yet the same people are the ones that will kick off and flame MS when they get infected or something because they are using something unsupported that is out of date. 

    Don't get me wrong MS and windows isn't perfect, far from it, but your asking for trouble if you don't update/upgrade. It's the same with users who use very old eset versions. Even if it still gets signature updates a lot of the newer technologies are not included. For example I've seen a few people complain about getting ransomware infections. Usually a lot of these don't have RDP locked down properly and eset password protected but a lot also where using old versions that didn't have the ransomware shield module. Not to mention newer versions also include bug fixes

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