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Posts posted by peteyt

  1. On 12/1/2023 at 1:58 PM, Marcos said:

    This is a marketing / sales question so I can only quote the statement that I have received:

    Our goal is to ensure the highest level of security for our customers and their households. The average number of devices and connections per person worldwide in 2023 is 13 in the US and 9 in Western Europe (www.statista.com). We want to meet customers' needs and provide more than device protection; with ESET HOME Security Ultimate we deliver top privacy, identity and device protection for a worry-free digital life.

    ESET moderators and staff here are mainly technicians and developers so I would kindly ask you to turn with marketing, licensing and business questions to your local ESET distributor who can reach out to the appropriate staff at ESET HQ, if necessary.

    I would argue that most people only have one computer. They maybe have a few phones etc. but many people would only want one license.

    It makes sense to offer bulk license purchase but it makes no sense to finally introduce a product many users have requested and then put a minimum license requirement on it.

    As many people have questioned this, aren't Eset technically loosing money by unable to provide this product to single license users.

    As a beta tester for Eset I don't plan to leave but I worry some other users might move to completion that can offer what they want. The funny thing is you have what they want but you've just not made it viable for them

  2. 48 minutes ago, Guest wena said:

    But i dont understand how i actually get my copy a nod32 .... i have been sent in a spinning wheel around around back to the same as 15 sek earlier i have clicked EVERY download button i can find but all of them are fake and never is a download of any file....


    but we all know why.... there isnt so many instance to get confused and do something wrong if you only tell your license key ONCE and get going .... no they need you to F it up, and lock yourself out .... they really wanna tether the license to a home account on another email and then when you least expekt it, jump at you demanding this and that , AND not using the exakt wording as the did when you registered everything ....



    You mention fake. If you are downloading from the official eset site they shouldn't be fake. What site are you trying to download from?

  3. 59 minutes ago, Marcos said:

    Since the expenses connected with integrating a 3rd party VPN not negligible and ESET pays for each license to its vendor, doing so would substantially increase the price of ESET Smart Security Premium (ESSP). With the current subscription plans, you can decide which suits you best without paying extra money for something that you don't need (e.g. if you already have a license for VPN).

    What about users who would like to use Eset's VPN but only have one device?

    Is there a reason eset ultimate can't be purchased for just one device.

  4. 1 hour ago, Max691 said:

    thanks for these explanations

    The problem is that in addition to bugs, there are functions that are no longer present and that served me as the site opening automatically in the secure browser.
    I will block the version change, so I can stay on version 16. 

    You'd be best to post what those issues are as eventually version 16 will stop working.

    Newer versions also contain bug fixes so using older versions can put your device at risk


  5. 7 hours ago, Guest Ayu said:

    When the company doesn't have too many features at the first place to differentiate their products there is no need to create three categories, make them more expensive, and deny the users essential features and forcing them to pay more for higher priced products, creating unnecessary category just because others in the market are doing it? Emsisoft doesn't do it. You see, not only ESET products are expensive (speaking in general for everybody), but also compared to similar products in the same category, they have lesser features making them a no go. For example I also have Kaspersky Internet Security (now Plus) which gives unlimited VPN. Similarly many others too provide many additional features to users. An internet security suite is never the entry level product, an antivirus is. And even ESET support is not that good, I didn't get answer of my email that is why I have to come here while, for example, other products like Kaspersky are offering live chat support 24*7. On the top of that in AV Comparatives Tests apart from advance threat protection, ESET scores in other tests are below average. I am sure even Ransomware Protection is nowhere near Kaspersky and others like Bitdefender and Avast. 

    As far as VPN is concerned, when I am connected to Public WiFi which are plentiful these days, a VPN is very much required. That implies I am connected to internet and my internet security suite is not providing me good protection. By encrypting your internet traffic and providing a secure tunnel for your data, a VPN helps safeguard your privacy and security when using public Wi-Fi, protecting against a range of potential threats and vulnerabilities. This includes Man-in-the-Middle Attacks (MITM), Packet Sniffing, Evil Twin Attacks, Session Hijacking, Rogue Hotspots, DNS Spoofing, SSL Stripping and protection on Unsecured Networks. privacy is not different from Security. Privacy is a subset of Security which is the superset. Privacy is needed for complete security. 

    A VPN is needed for an Internet Security Product. Live Guard is needed. Internet Security is not a base or entry level product. Other Companies like Kaspersky also include Password Managers etc but that is too much to expect from ESET. No wonder ESET is not good. 

    Personally I see a VPN as an extra tool. Eset already protects you from unsecure networks e.g. public WiFi.

    The thing is adding something like a VPN is going to add extra costs and some users may not agree with this. For that reason it makes sense to have a general security stuff e.g. with a firewall or people can pay more to get a VPN.

    For example I use sticky password manager as I have a lifetime license. I feel a password manager is good for security but I'd call it an additional extra just like a VPN. If they had added a password manager to internet security and put the price up due to that, it wouldn't have been good for me as I'd be paying for something I already had

    Like I said I do think this should have went to the premium product instead of having a newer extra tier 

  6. 7 hours ago, Guest Ayu said:

    Why do you even call it internet security and not include unlimited VPN and Live Guard where there is a high possibility of encountering unknown zero day threats while browsing.? ESET Products are underwhelming. Will search for alternatives. Internet Security is suppose to include everything except may be things like premium remote support and Identity theft protection or insurance etc. Basic Antivirus does not has Firewall and VPN. Goodluck with your sales and market existence. What a RIP off indeed. Just for the heck of it and earning more profits you have created unnecessary category. Could have simply created a basic security and a total security for 29 and 49 USD. Should have offered more value to customers. 

    While I agree that premium maybe didn't have a lot of features some would call useful I wouldn't say that internet security product requires a VPN.

    Maybe the names of the products should be changed but for me for an AV product that is designed to protect against malware, hackers etc. I'd say a VPN is more of an additional tool, more focused on privacy issues over security issues. A VPN can hide your location, IP etc. but it doesn't stop you getting hacked/getting infected.

    Really I would have preferred sticking with 3 products, basic, standard and pro.

  7. 2 hours ago, czesetfan said:

    And does it also bring any new/different setting options than the browser defaults to?

    Because if it just copies the browser options where it can be set already, then what is the benefit of a "second" control?

    I presume it's just another way to do it and makes it easier for non technical users.

    A bit like how something like ccleaner and clean temp files but you can do it within windows settings as well

  8. 4 hours ago, Tio said:

    It doesn't really bother me for the time being, let me just clarify if I understood you. Eventually a fix will be released I just have to wait ? 

    Yes however technically the more people who use the pre release option the more quicker fixes will go public as more people will be able to test, confirm no issues or no bugs caused be it 

  9. Yeah it's nearly triple in the UK to go from premium to ultimate which requires you to purchase 5 licenses.

    People have asked for a VPN for ages but most may only need it for one device and so may go somewhere else.

    I personally don't understand the logic. I also think adding an extra higher level could confuse people on what to get.

    It used to be simple. You had the antivirus and then the smart security as the extra e.g. Firewall, network protection.

    Premium arrived and it had some extra stuff but very niche. There where some complaints that live guard should have been included without the premium package.

    Now there's an extra product meaning there's 4 levels of protection 

  10. On 11/16/2023 at 5:00 PM, Tio said:

    Excuse me but what is that ? And what is the point of it ? 

    Pre release often contains fixes to issues that they put on the pre release server first to confirm it works before going final.

    Eset recommends using this unless on a work machine. A fix for what sounds like your issue has been put on the pre release server and will eventually go onto the main public one 

  11. On 11/16/2023 at 11:45 AM, Damjan said:


    I myself have been a very long-term user of ESET (since version 2.7 from 2005). I was really looking forward to the VPN feature (for which I also added a suggestion for the next versions of ESET on your forum.

    We now have a VPN in ESET SECURITY ULTIMATE. It is a pity that you did not include the mentioned version in ESET SMART SECURITY PREMIUM. What makes me the most angry or sad is that if you want to have a VPN, you have to pay for ESET SECURITY ULTIMATE, which costs €120 in Slovenia, and you must buy a license for 5 devices. I am very disappointed that you have to buy a license for 5 devices, even though I only use one device at home and therefore have a single device license for ESET SMART SECURITY PREMIUM. When the license expires, I will seriously consider whether I will still be your user or I will switch to another provider, e.g. Avast ultimate, which costs only €70 and also allows a file shredder in addition to VPN (which I really wanted) and a license for 1 device.
    Now with the new ESET SECURITY ULTIMATE, you are similar to the way the music industry used to work, forcing you to buy a whole CD even though you only liked one track on the CD. I don't understand why you don't allow us long-time ESET subscribers to be able to buy ESET SECURITY ULTIMATE for just one device and of course at a much lower price than it is now (Avast for sub-level functionality than ESET SECURITY ULTIMATE is €50 cheaper).
    I am very disappointed, because I was really looking forward to the VPN function and expected that we could also get it for ESET SMART SECURITY PREMIUM subscribers. What is also strange to me is that it is for home users (and not for companies) and you must buy a license for 5 devices. You could also take a look at your loyal subscribers and offer them some promotion for a cheaper upgrade.
    I hope you will understand my criticism, because I believe that the feedback message from your subscribers is the best indicator of user satisfaction.



    On 11/16/2023 at 11:51 AM, Marcos said:

    Unfortunately the VPN could not be included with ESET Smart Security Premium as it would substantially increase its price. VPN is a 3rd party product and there are expenses connected with it as ESET must pay its vendor for each license.

    I do agree that it seems a little backwards if one user wants VPN they have to get a 5 license package. Most people would just not upgrade and either buy a separate AV or get a separate VPN. Both would result in less revenue for Eset


    Here in the UK 39.99 for premium and 114.98 for ultimate. Nearly more than triple the price.

  12. 2 minutes ago, itman said:

    Thanks. Same result here. Good to know Safe search working as designed which is Eset blacklist detection only. The question is since Eset will detect these black list web sites upon access, is Safe search redundant?

    I suppose people may want to avoid clicking on the link in the first place.

    People often post about blocks worrying they have been infected so this will stop some users visiting in the first place, avoiding these posts 

  13. On 11/7/2023 at 10:13 PM, AlSky said:

    Hello and thank you for the answer.

    ESET Spain technical support has told me that the update will be released for all users in open way tomorrow or the next Thursday. Is it true?

    Best regards.

    Updates often get rolled out in batches. This avoids people all downloading something and then an undiscovered bug appears.

    You can also change your settings to allow pre release updates to get these early. Eset prefers users to enable this option as often fixes to issues are included so they need more users on it to confirm if the fixes work, any more issues etc.

  14. On 11/9/2023 at 2:36 PM, sesk said:


    avag did it. so you had to bring an ultimate. is the future of win-users made of an ultimate, a premium, an advanced and an essential ? see. malwarebytes offers 2 variants, standard and plus (VPN included). see. it more easy to understand. marketing gag. hein. 

    Yeah I do think having 4 home windows versions may confuse some users. 

    I always felt the premium version could have done with more stuff to persuade people and a VPN may have helped with this. You may have people who want the VPN but don't need a password manager, encryption etc.

  15. 6 minutes ago, TheNikita said:

    Since the file was analyzed in the LiveGuard sandbox, the single-player game has not launched once. With or without ESET installed, an error always appeared.

    If you have uninstalled eset in safe mode and then completely reinstalled the game from a different source if would appear something else is causing the issue

    If for example Eset did change something on that file, redownloading it should fix it but the fact it doesn't makes the think the issue is something else

  16. On 10/20/2023 at 3:16 AM, Guest use them of last version said:

    I am using internet security where is the sub-forum of this? The structure of the forum is very complicated

    You will see a lot more posts when you register. The guest post area is mainly for general quick questions and not for technical issues.

    The area you need is https://forum.eset.com/forum/23-eset-internet-security-eset-smart-security-premium/

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