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About MithralSmith

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  1. I'm using Smart Security 8.0 and I suspect that I've been infected with malware/adware redirects in my browser. I suspect this because browser performance is horrible and I keep getting timed out on pages that are responding quickly according to HyperTrace. I mostly use Chrome (though it happens on other browsers) and when I get the timeout It's as if the page is waiting for an ad server (or something similar) to respond before continuing. One reason I suspect this is because when I get a time out, often the details indicates its trying to communicate with GoogleLeadServices.com, which of course is not the site I'm trying to reach. When I search for how to remove GoogleLeadServices I get lots of vague answers most of which ask me to download their removal tool which immediately leads me to question the site's motivation and thus trustworthiness. I trust ESET but there is no information on GoogleLeadServices on the site or in the forums. 1) does Smart Security help with this kind of problem 2) is there any suggestions for Eset or the community as to a) are my conclusions at all valid b) is there anything I can do about it? Ben Bolton MithralSmith Software Solutions
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