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Everything posted by Daniel26

  1. Seems, that this worked. The task is marked as "successfull". But how can I see if it is really active? And I only found that the eramdmcore is only listening on ipv6, netstat shows no process for 9980 on the ipv4. Is that configurable? Regards Daniel
  2. After installing the MDM..do I have to activate it somehwre in the EMSC? If yes, is there a detailed instruction? Regards Daniel
  3. Ok, Solution found: LC_ALL was not set. "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" did the trick. Regards Daniel
  4. Hello, next problem installig the MDM (after finding the correct certificate): 2020-10-13 12:48:58 Information: ConfigInsertPeerCertFile: Action invoked with: --ca-password ********** --cert-auth-content ********** --cert-auth-path /tmp/tmp.JdDbOvHt1X/setup/tmp/certauth.der --cert-auth-temp-path /tmp/tmp.JdDbOvHt1X/setup/tmp/certauth.der --cert-content ********** --cert-password ********** --cert-path /tmp/tmp.JdDbOvHt1X/setup/tmp/peercert.pfx --cert-temp-path /tmp/tmp.JdDbOvHt1X/setup/tmp/peercert.pfx --cert-to-check-password ********** --cert-to-check-path /tmp/tmp.JdDbOvHt1X/setup/tmp/peercert.pfx --create-ca 0 --current-version 7.0.520.0 --db-admin-password ********** --db-admin-username ********** --db-connectors-dir /tmp/tmp.JdDbOvHt1X/setup --db-driver MySQL --db-hostname --db-name era_mdm_db --db-port 3306 --db-scripts-dir /tmp/tmp.JdDbOvHt1X/setup/Database/MDMCore --db-type MySQL Server --db-upgrade 0 --db-user-password ********** --db-user-username ********** --enable-telemetry 1 --era-lib-dir /tmp/tmp.JdDbOvHt1X/ --hostname av.marco.de --installed "" --installed-version "" --mdm-enrollment-port 9980 --mdm-hostname clamps.babenhausen.marco.de --mdm-port 9981 --modules-dir /var/opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/MDMCore/Modules/ --multiagent-data-dir /tmp/tmp.JdDbOvHt1X/MultiAgent --multiagent-https-cert-path /var/lib/tomcat8/conf/clamps.pfx --multiagent-https-password ********** --port 2222 --product-guid 7f06a442-6924-4d58-95d7-38e9441185ea --product-name MDMCore --server-cert-temp-path /tmp/tmp.JdDbOvHt1X/setup/tmp/servercert.der --startup-config-path /etc/opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/MDMCore/startupconfiguration.ini --upgrade "" --webconsole-hostname av.marco.de --webconsole-password ********** --webconsole-port 2223 --webconsole-use-domain "" --webconsole-user Administrator 2020-10-13 12:48:58 Information: GetDatabaseServerConnectionStringWithoutEscape: Created connection string: 'Driver=MySQL;Server=;Port=3306;User=******;Password={******};CharSet=utf8;NO_LOCALE=1;' 2020-10-13 12:48:58 Error: ConfigInsertPeerCertFile: locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid 2020-10-13 12:48:58 Information: Installer: Failed to run custom action ConfigInsertPeerCertFile. 2020-10-13 12:48:58 Information: Installer: ./MDMCore-Linux-x86_64.sh: : Error '2' occured while running custom action ConfigInsertPeerCertFile. 2020-10-13 12:48:58 Information: Installer: Cleaning setup directory Any ideas? Regards Daniel Spannbauer
  5. Ok, found it. The data is also in the tomcat config server.xml Regards Daniel
  6. Hello, I have a running instance of the EMSC on Debian for w hile now. Now, I try to install the MDM, but there I have to know a "https-cert-path" and a "https-cert-password". Where can I find the cert? Is this the cert for the Web-UI? Regards Daniel
  7. Hello, I updated the ESMC from 7.0 to 7.2. Cause I can't see any update progress, I restarted the server. After that, the database seems to be corrupted. "PROCEDURE era_db.usp_stored_installers_load_all_valid does not exist (1305)" Is there a chance to rebuild the DB? A backup I've done before has been deleted (never store something to /tmp, even temporary) Regards Daniel
  8. Hello Marcos, sorry, didn't see your answer. Sent you the URL via PN
  9. Hello, thanks for your answer. So I have to change firewall settings even if we don't have a ESET firewall installed? We only have Nod32 Antivirus. Regards Daniel
  10. Hallo, we are using Eset Nod32 Antivirus 5.0. For managing, a instance of Remote Management Server 5 is installed. Atm. we try to migrate to Antivirus 7 and and Security Management server. Therefore we try to roll out the AV Client. But the Antivirus 5 is blocking the URL to our package management system, so we can't provide the package (Object: hxxp://url_to_our_package Threat: Blocked Object Action: Disconnect) How can I tell globally via the Remote Management that Antivirus should nod block this URL? Regards Daniel
  11. Ok, installation was ok now. But How do I activate SSL? I tried it like described here , but then I get "connection failed" from the browser. I found in server.xml: <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" /> and replaced it by: <Connector port="443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="/root/tomcat.jks" keystorePass="my_password" keyAlias="av-cert"/> I can't find a error in tomcat logfile. Any hints? Regards Daniel
  12. I wan't to use my own certificate because perhaps I have to move the era server to an other data-center in the future, so the domain name changes. My certificate also includes also an alias hostname which doesn't change when I move my machine so I don't have to change the cert (and perhaps the certs on the clients) later. Can I move the whole machine later without rolling out new keys if I don't use "skip-cert" and "server-cert-path"?
  13. Hello, I try to install a new ERA Management Server on a Debian Stretch. After some problems because of the database (mysql instead of mariaDB, correct version of mysql, correct version of odbc a.s.o.) the DB seems to be OK. But the installation struggles at the certificate. I used the switches "--skip-cert", "--cert-hostname" and --server-cert-path="/etc/ssl/certs/" Our certificate is located at /etc/ssl/certs/, but the installation says: "Storing server peer certificate to configuration ... failure" Thats what I found in the installation log: " 2018-12-18 15:04:28 Error: ConfigInsertCertificate: Server peer certificate path is not correct. Provided path - '/etc/ssl/certs/' 2018-12-18 15:04:28 Information: Installer: Failed storing peer certificate. 2018-12-18 15:04:28 Information: Installer: Error: : Error occurred while storing peer certificate NThe same if I provide the path and the name of the certificate. What I'm doing wrong here? Regards Daniel
  14. Hello, after installing mysql, unixODBC and MyODBC-unixODBC I*ve got the installer working. But it seems that a sql-statement of the installer is wrong. When I do a ./Server-Linux-x86_64-6.1.450.0.sh --skip-license --db-driver=MySQL --db-hostname=fry.xxx.xx --db-port=3306 --db-admin-username=root --db-admin-password=yyyyyyyy --server-root-password="zzzzzzzz." --db-user-username=era_user --db-user-password=aaaaaaaa --cert-hostname="xxxx;xxx.xx.xxx.xxx;xxxxx.xxx.xx" I get in the log: 2015-04-30 09:18:54 Information: DropAndCreateDatabaseForDBServer: Skipping file /tmp/tmp.KVASjCfSUS/setup/Database/MySQL/CreateScripts/version.ini 2015-04-30 09:18:54 Information: DropAndCreateDatabaseForDBServer: Processing file /tmp/tmp.KVASjCfSUS/setup/Database/MySQL/CreateScripts/1_create_schema_without_views.sql 2015-04-30 09:18:54 Information: DropAndCreateDatabaseForDBServer: Processing file /tmp/tmp.KVASjCfSUS/setup/Database/MySQL/CreateScripts/2_create_log_tables.sql 2015-04-30 09:18:55 Information: DropAndCreateDatabaseForDBServer: Processing file /tmp/tmp.KVASjCfSUS/setup/Database/MySQL/CreateScripts/3_create_views.sql 2015-04-30 09:18:55 Information: DropAndCreateDatabaseForDBServer: Processing file /tmp/tmp.KVASjCfSUS/setup/Database/MySQL/CreateScripts/4_init_data.sql 2015-04-30 09:18:55 Information: DropAndCreateDatabaseForDBServer: Processing file /tmp/tmp.KVASjCfSUS/setup/Database/MySQL/CreateScripts/5_reports_interface.sql 2015-04-30 09:18:55 Error: DbCreate: Statement execution failed. Error: [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.5.29-MariaDB-log]This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary loggin g is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable). File: /tmp/tmp.KVASjCfSUS/setup/Database/MySQL/CreateScripts/5_reports_interface.sql. Statement: CREATE FUNCTION `ufn_create_hour_interval`(`timeParam` DATETIME) RETURNS TIMESTAMP LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC CONTAINS SQL SQL SECURITY INVOKER BEGIN return FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timeParam)- UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timeParam)%(60*60)); END; 2015-04-30 09:18:55 Information: Installer: Failed creating database. 2015-04-30 09:18:56 Information: Installer: Error: 1954: Error occured while creating database Any ideas how to solve that? Regards Daniel
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