On windows 2012 or 2016, eset security file server windows with ESMC PROTECT console, activation process failed
When i try to do it manually i have the error "ECP.3" with eset buissness account and valid license, "ECP.20019" error with the eset key licence, and when i generate offline licence file "ACT.260" error.
I am on ESET Server Security 8.0.12010.0 with ESET Management Agent 9.0.1141.0, a fortigate whitch allow traffic to https://edf.eset.com/edf
And the tool
"ActivationTroubleshooter.Exe" said
Verify chain test: [LocalMachine]error:
Problem detected!
Diagnostic info for developers:
LastApiError: 0x00000000
Faulting function: 0
chainTrust: 0x00000001
0x00000001: This certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain is not time valid.
and give me the correct chain for edf.eset.com certificate
Do you have any idea for solve this issue ? Thanks