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About Martino

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  1. Hello Peter:) The problem was solved by the following: Troubleshooting If you get the EPNS service servers are not accessible alert, follow these steps to disable the connection timeout limits: 1.Create a configuration file reqtimeout.conf: sudo touch /etc/httpd/conf.d/reqtimeout.conf 2.Open the file in a text editor: nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/reqtimeout.conf 3.Type this setting into the file: RequestReadTimeout header=0 body=0 4.Save the changes and close the file: CTRL+X > type Y > press Enter 5.Open the httpd.conf file: nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 6.Add the following line at the end: IncludeOptional conf.d/reqtimeout.conf 7.Save the changes a close the file: CTRL+X > type Y > press Enter 8.Restart the Apache HTTP Proxy service: systemctl restart httpd after doing the above, everything is green at the stations :).
  2. I understand well only I do not have a proxy server. This problem occurred after upgrading to ESET PROTECT Server 9.0.2144.0. I currently have: ESET Management Agent 9.0.2141.0 ESET PROTECT Server 9.0.2144.0 ESET Rogue Detection Sensor 1.1.615.1 Hello Piotr Randziak. At the station where I have eseta there is a Direct Cloud Communication Module 1123.1. I still perform at computer stations.
  3. I understand well only I do not have a proxy server. This problem occurred after upgrading to ESET PROTECT Server 9.0.2144.0. I currently have: ESET Management Agent 9.0.2141.0 ESET PROTECT Server 9.0.2144.0 ESET Rogue Detection Sensor 1.1.615.1
  4. Dzien dobry, Jestem tutaj nowy ale mam taki problem ze po aktualizacji z wersji 8 do wersji 9.0 pojawia sie komunikat jak w załączniku. Może temat byl tutaj juz poruszany ale szukałem i nie znalazłem. nadmienię ze do tej pory było wszystko ok. z wersja 8.1 nic grzebane nie bylo w configu.
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