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About JanGlo

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  1. I went back again and found the window that looks like yours. I typed in https://cdn-*-prod.pogospike.com/* and it didn't work. I changed the first * to h5pickles (the game that doesn't work today) and changed the second * to 40/game.js. This is what the screen shows when it blocks it. This also doesn't work.
  2. Marcos: This isn't working for me. My first issue is when I follow the directions above, my windows don't look like yours. I only have the path and comment. When I go to the log, it also doesn't give me the create exclusion selection when I click (or right click, I don't remember). I'm sorry but I am not very good at this kind of stuff. I tried typing JS/Packed.Agent.H and cdn-*-prod.pogospike.com. Neither of these worked. I am on Google. Is it different on Google? I feel like such an idiot.😕
  3. I have no idea how to get to this exception. A lot more information would be helpful.
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