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About bbdokken

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  1. I like the Vulnerability addition. I already found one program I wasn't tracking that was out of date and had vulnerabilities. We use PDQ for auditing and software/patch management. It would be nice to run the vulnerability scan on demand. This way I can bring up a computer that isn't turned on very often, update it completely then run a vulnerability scan to update the data on the Vulnerability pane in Protect. As it is now, the vulnerability pane has a lot of stale information.
  2. The vulnerabilities showing because Win 11 was identified as Win 10 was fixed until today. Today all my Win 11 machines are shown as Win 10 and a list of vulnerabilities.
  3. Today, Monday 24 July, everything looks correct. I haven't made any changes, so thanks for fixing that ESET.
  4. I can confirm I am seeing the same behavior. Win 11 systems are detected as Win 10. Patches are up to date but vulnerabilities patched in this month's updates are shown as missing.
  5. There are places in the Protect console where sorting is missing and would be a big time saver. For instance, in the Dashboard, go to ESET Applications. Click on one of the out of date applications then click "detailed information". This produces a list of computers that are out of date, but no ability to sort. In that same list of out of date applications, if I click "update installed eset products" I get an easy way to update these out of date computers. Sometimes I don't want to update all of them, only specific ones. This would be easy to do if the selection list was sortable. Thanks for Cloud Protect, it has been a game changer for us!
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