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Marcelo Aquino

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About Marcelo Aquino

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  1. Pessoal, gostaria de uma ajuda se for possível. Instalei o aplicativo Pulse Secure (desktop) para ter acesso a VPN da empresa, porém, quando tento fazer a conexão o aplicativo está me retornado uma mensagem de erro: " Your computer's security is unsatisfactory Your computer does not meet the following security requirements. Please follow the instructions below to fix these problems. When you are done click Retry. If you choose to Close without fixing these problems, you may not have access to all of your intranet servers. 1. HC-E-Marelli-Standard Instructions: No instructions are available. Reasons: Anti-Virus software listed in security requirements is not installed. Registry value mismatch for configured key, found= Registry value mismatch for configured key, found= Registry value mismatch for configured key, found= 2. HC-E-FCA-Standard Instructions: No instructions are available. Reasons: Anti-Virus software listed in security requirements is not installed. Registry value mismatch for configured key, found= 3. certificato-marelli Instructions: No instructions are available. Reasons: Machine certificate was not found Machine certificate was not found " Será que alguém já passou por esta situação e poderia me ajudar? Existe algum parâmetro que preciso de ajustar para conseguir efetuar a conexão? Obrigado. Machine translation: I installed the Pulse Secure (desktop) app to have access to the company's VPN, however, when I try to make the connection, the app is giving me an error message. Has anyone been through this situation and could help me? Are there any parameters I need to adjust to be able to connect?
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