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Everything posted by Lbch

  1. Yes it does. I have tried to switch to interactive firewall, but I get literally an endless number of popups asking about the communication (see screenshot). I cannot even get back to Eset because of these. is there a way to manually add a rule? which rule should I implement?
  2. Hello, the Eset firewal seems to block virtual hosts on my localhost when using a port number. Setup: MAMP + MAMP hosts Websites that I open have a port number so I can target them using Browsersync Example: https://www.example.com:3000 (this is a local website on my laptop which has been created using Mamp) When I open the website with the port number it is blocked by the Firewall: https://www.example.com:3000 Files load really slow (minutes) or not at all and I get several messages in the firewall log. When I try to open the website without the port number it opens quickly, without a problem: https://www.example.com Any help on how to set this up is much appreciated.
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