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Everything posted by sergio_sd

  1. Great, it`s work. ./MirrorTool --mirrorType regular \ --intermediateUpdateDirectory /tmp/mirrorTool/mirrorTemp \ --offlineLicenseFilename /etc/eset/MirrorSMK.lf \ --outputDirectory /var/www/html/mirror \ --excludedProduct ep4 ep5 ep7 era6 Now be try proxy-apache. Thanks Marcos, thanks Rincewind.
  2. Rincewind, thanks. I missed this option, and not understanding manual. Im be trying it now. Say, what`s difference "regular" and "pre-release" type of mirror?
  3. root@esetsrv:/var/www/html# ls -la /var/www/html/mirrorRepo/ итого 20 drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 фев 12 15:14 . drwxrwxr-x 5 tomcat tomcat 4096 фев 12 15:56 .. drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 фев 12 15:09 com -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3621 фев 12 15:14 info.meta drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 фев 12 15:09 third_party root@esetsrv:/var/www/html# No file update.ver
  4. For begin i setting update server manualy hxxp:// Yes, it`s opened. Apache log when trying to update a workstation: - - [16/Feb/2021:10:18:28 +0300] "HEAD /mirrorRepo/update.ver HTTP/1.1" 404 196 "-" "ESS Update (Windows; U; 32bit; PVT F; BPC 6.5.2132.6; OS: 5.1.2600 SP 3.0 NT; TDB 48489; CL 1.0.0; LNG 1049; x32c; APP eea; ASP 0.0; PX 0; PUA 1; CD 0; RA 1; UNS 1; SHA256 0; WU 4; HWF: 010075DE-583E-8AA1-EC9D-A2A92FEEF81C; PLOC ru_ru; PCODE 107.0.0; PAR -1; ATH -1; DC 0; RET 2103)" Use command for create repo: ./MirrorTool --repositoryServer AUTOSELECT \ --offlineLicenseFilename /etc/eset/ERA-Endpoint.lic \ --intermediateRepositoryDirectory /tmp/repoTemp \ --outputRepositoryDirectory /var/www/html/mirrorRepo/ \ --languageFilterForRepository ru_RU \ --productFilterForRepository Antivirus Security \ --downloadLegacyForRepository
  5. Good day comrad, May i use mirror tools linux as offline repository virus signature? I have Linux ESET Protect 8.0, and performed the mirror tool. Opened the directory of mirrorepo through apache on http. Acted according to the instructions: https://help.eset.com/protect_install/80/en-US/mirror_tool_linux.html Setting test workstation (ESET MA 8.0.1238.0 and ESET EA 6.5.2132.6 ) on intranet repository and when update virus signature have error "File on server not found"
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